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people here are mean [I Believe In Life On Other Planets]

i want to talk to people about planets and other science topics. a woman harrassed me on my posts and said she was laughing at me and trying to make me angry. that is hateful and mean. then she posted on the board something about love love, and many people responded to it. is this site mostly fake mean people and immature people?

is anyone interested in talking about planets and space things? i don't want to talk to fake people and haters.
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just ignore them, maybe a science forum would be a better place for you
@jarvis919 this website is a sample of reality from those who are lacking something in their lives, I think few people come here because they are overflowing with love, most are searching for it
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@lovelywarpedlemon i like that post. maybe that explains the horrible and mean posts I see around this place. many sad and empty people, not just mean and sick immature people. i will try to talk to the nice people in the groups I like.
@jarvis919 wish you luck
AbbySvenz · F
One person is “people”?
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jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@AbbySvenz i saw many mean and nasty immature posts on this site. people is plural of person. your reply is a good example - you could have said something helpful, showed empathy for a person being attacked. but you don't care. instead you added a bit more meanness, even though my post itself is clear. and people gave smiley emojis to your post. this is really sad.
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
thanks to the nice people who sent helpful replies. a few of the replies are strange and added unkindness, but that is expected on any website.
don't bother with anyone who treats you badly here. just block 'em and forget 'em.
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@SW-User i can block people. okay, thanks. i will try that.
@jarvis919 you're welcome. everything here will become second nature to you soon. don't let people like that run you off, or ruin your day :)
meJess · F
Maybe post something that interests you, could be some shy astronomers here
meJess · F
@jarvis919 keep trying, trolls want a reaction just ignore them
@jarvis919 that's why you have to block 'em right away.
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@SW-User good idea. thank you.
Definitely the wrong crowd. People here are living their entire life online aside from work maybe. They are only interested in whatever the internet coughed up that day
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@SW-User that's what someone told me about this place. i will try a couple days and see what happens.
@jarvis919 honestly,after a few days you will either get stuck here or never come back again. It is entertaining at times but not for serious discussions or sharing interests and stuff. Unless it’s perving,cheesy online wisdom or politics
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@SW-User wow. this helps me understand this website. thank you.
Nomoretomorrow · 46-50, M
Sorry to hear you have had such a bad experience. Not everyone on this site is a troll, there are some genuinely lovely people here and hopefully you will meet some with similar interests to yours soon. Having interests like space and planets is a wonderful and noble thing and a good way find personal improvement. Expanding your knowledge of a subject that intrigues you can bring a number of personal benefits. Try looking for groups on here revolving around planets and space or start your own. Being exposed to unpleasant people and their comments can be a draining and unpleasant experience. Good luck and remember, the negative comments say more about the person making them than you. And you can always block them.
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@Nomoretomorrow thank you. the Groups function here is strange and doesn't really allow for group discussion like a normal site would. strange site architecture here. and people don't seem to use the groups in a way that makes sense. whatever. i will try for a bit.
gfantasy · 56-60, M
Not a good thing to generalize... So if one user is mean to you, that makes us ALL mean...?
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@gfantasy what? i guess you didn't read this post.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
What would you like to talk about in regards to science and space?

I got into astronomy at a young age and I still enjoy it.

I learned a lot in my time here on earth about the night sky. I'm not expert though haha.
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@theramengirl it's just amazing to think of how big space is and how many planets and stars there are. i like to look at space photos and read about the planets. and now there are more rovers on mars looking for life. so many amazing things happening now.
theramengirl · 31-35, C
@jarvis919 ah yes. The concept of space is too big for our minds to imagine. God really knew what he was doing when he created such wonders. The stars even guide our seasons, our sun knows when to set and our moon knows when to rise. Everything works in harmony, like a symphony crafted from the most sophisticated being to ever have existed. Isnt it beautiful how these luminaries influence our earth? Our seas? How just enough light can spark the life cycle of plants, encouraging them to bloom till their hearts content? It's really something. God's creation.
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@theramengirl yah, it's amazing.
nm them tbh
Post :)
Elegy · 46-50
Block people, I haven met many people here that are so bold recently?
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@Elegy i will try that. thank you.
Some people here are mean. Block them.
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@jarvis919] absoluutely agree if they have no interest in the topic fair enough .why bother wasting your time replying only to be rude . have you blocked them then on this proviso as nobody would blame you if you did
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@smiler2012 you seem like a mature person. some replies on this post are from obviously non-adult people, probably more mean people who feel guilty and are trying to attack me because i wrote something true. i will use the block function. thank you.
Seems like someone thinks you're a predator of some kind. Why might that be?
@jarvis919 I saw that Miram went after you. She could just be crazy but she usually doesn’t do that without a good reason so what’s going on?
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@SW-User this is childish. i only talk about science things. you are obviously not a good person and want to make things worse.
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You can mute them. We can't do anything to such baseless people.
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@ABCDEF7 thanks. i blocked the mean person just now who came back here again just now. she posted "why don't you like boobs?" or something like that to me like 7 times yesterday. like a crazy person. I told her to stop many times, and then she said she was trying to make me angry and thought it was funny. i have screenshots of everything and tried to complain to the managers. nobody helped me. but I blocked her now so maybe other mean people will not bother me.
@jarvis919 You should report that person on the post where she said that. I doubt if she is a girl. It seems a man in the disguise of a girl. It's good you blocked her. You have to keep the mute and block button handy.

All the Best !!
jarvis919 · 26-30, M
@ABCDEF7 maybe not a girl. i didn't think of that. maybe right. okay I will take your advice. thank you very much.
Atlotto · M
Some of them people are nice.

I agree with lovelywarpedlemon.

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