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Today's treasures

Unfortunate for whatever hawk/owl that was eaten, but I will use these feathers.

And the queen herself

Oh wow. You're killing me with those beach pictures. Beautiful..
@MsSwan I wish I could teleport you here because it is a special treat today!
@Lilymoon thank you. It was gorgeous. 80 degrees.
I think yesterday I may have been sitting just beneath and fairly close to an osprey for 5+ minutes without even realizing it ... until it made one short, quiet chirp and I looked up just to see it take flight from the tree ... shortly after that two great egrets flew past, further away, and it looked like another osprey flew by ... not sure if the first osprey heard the second osprey making a call that I didn't hear earlier

This was a few minutes after walking past not one but two pileated woodpeckers having a chat from opposing sides of the road

Then after the osprey I saw a 2.5 or 3 footish juvenile gator sunning itself with its head raised (but apparently not hot enough to have its mouth open this time)
@BlueGreenGrey Beautiful 🖤

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