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Solo Beach Days

This summer, I've been to the beach well over a dozen times, going once or twice a week. My boyfriend and I try out new beaches, and I've been with friends once. However, I mostly go by myself to the same beach I love. I post about it on social media, and my friends and boyfriend often ask why I go alone without inviting them.

The truth is, I need to be alone. No time constraints, no compromise, no conversation. I don't read books or put on music. I lay out in the sun, drink, smoke weed, jump in the ocean, and swim. I go out to eat by myself and just relax. It's so peaceful and helps with my mental health immensely.

All of my loved ones work difficult jobs, but they aren't dealing with death like me. I can't count how many people I knew and loved have died this year—close to twenty, maybe slightly more. And that's not even the hardest part of my job. It's the constant screaming and never having a moment to breathe. I'm under a lot of pressure. The beach is my escape right now, and it's amazing.
Teslin · M
You keep your "alone" time for your sanity.
Absolutely nothing wrong with that.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
Really u knew 20 people that died this year

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