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posting nude pictures on similar worlds

at least 15 ladies on here have told me since i join adriana you really should not post nudies of yourself especially if it have your face in it but i honestly cant see the harm. nobody here knows me in real life and i think the chances of any of my friends or family finding me on here are very small. so i not realy mind doing it
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jasonfire · 56-60, M Best Comment
wow thats a truly amazing picture adriana is that in croatia or here in america? my god your nipples are incredible
jasonfire · 56-60, M
@croatiangirl22 im gonna have to look that up on a map
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@jasonfire that a place call ludvik pond I like to go to be alone not too many ppl knowing of it
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
And I know yes yes everybody always say about my nipples

lonelyloner · 31-35, F
who cares if someone saw me nude in real , all we are nude by born and from inside
You just post what you are comfortable with and really no ones business.
You are very beautiful. I would urge some caution though. It has happened before that photos posted here publicly end up on other internet sites. One you post them, you lose control over what other people do with them.
rhouse · 56-60, M
Let me start by saying you are a very pretty girl.

As far as posting pics, I would say to do what you want. If you feel comfortable posting pics then do so. If you don't want to post them but are willing to share in DM after talking to someone do that. If don't feel comfortable at all then don't post.

I think that you are correct in what you say. Your friends and family finding you on here is very small and they would have to be looking for them. If that is the case, they probably would love it.

I love your pics and I'm glad you post but do what you want. Don't worry about what others say..
There's always a risk, but if you enjoy it too, it becomes a risk-benefit balance. And if you're comfortable with being nude, it may not matter too much if people you know see you that way. That's something only you can judge though. In the end: do what feels right.
Isa3682 · 46-50, F
Be you, be nude and show it!
jasonfire · 56-60, M
@Isa3682 100%
JoeXP · 56-60, M
Do remember everyone once they’re posted they are out there! I’ve posted nudes here and at least half them have been reposted on porn websites and I’m a middle aged man! Goodness knows what happens to pictures of attractive young ladies.
@JoeXP Absolutely. Now do you regret it? She needs to hear facts.
devonman · 61-69, M
The mystique of the naked body seems to be fading .
The UK TV dating show ‘ Naked Attraction ‘ has featured full frontal nudity male and female for well over a decade . I read with no surprise , that there are no shortage of contestants happy to have their nude bodies scrutinised in close up forensic detail by tv camera, by their prospective date and millions of viewers. This can be recorded, as I am sure thousands do .

Those taking part , are supposed to be ‘ single’ and come from all walks of life .
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@devonman my cousins friend veronica was on this show. i am dying to talk to her about it but sharon never get her number for me :(
Nibblesnarf · 26-30, M
@croatiangirl22 Do you know anything about how it turned out for her? Was she the chooser, or one of the potential suitors?

I tend to assume those dates usually don't really lead anywhere long term, because it seems that that's how it goes with shows like that. (For example, The Bachelor(ette).) But it could be interesting to hear about it from Veronica.
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@Nibblesnarf i dont really know but i can ask sharon. it middle of the night where she live tho im curious myself.
jasonfire · 56-60, M
i think you should do what you feel is best, use your judgement, youre a big girl. i must say its not everyday you see a girl as beautiful as you willing to share her nudes as freely. bravo to you adriana!
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@jasonfire thanks jason! thats a place call sunken meadow in long island NY I'm going tomorrow do u want meet me and my friend maybe? around 1 probably
jasonfire · 56-60, M
@croatiangirl22 tuesday is better for me can we meet then?
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@jasonfire sure if you park all the way on the right then walk down the path to the first entrance to the beach thats where me and phoebe like to go. youll see my blue prius probly park near there. we'll be there 1 -1:30 something like that
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
As long as you don't give out other information, there really isn't a problem on this site.

Problems come in, if others from other sites, that know you very well. Yet this site very small, having less than 8,000 users worldwide.

Do what you're comfortable with, yet keep the above things in mind, if you're on far more popular sites.

Personally I don't care what images I post. I'm not active on other sites or not even on the majority of sites.
Whatever photos you post online remain online forever. You do not consider the lasting impact. Potential employers can find you here. Others can too. Do you really need to show your nude body to complete strangers? For what purpose? Do you need validation that you have a female body? What would your future self think? Your future spouse? Your future kids? Think. You know how you look. You do not need that.
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@PoetryNEmotion im thinking a lot about this now thank you
Richard65 · M
Send them to my DM first and I'll advise you on the best one to post 😉
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
Isn't that slight chance part of the thrill? Think about the possibility that the person standing next to you on line, has seen your nude image!
@samueltyler2 Yes. Your replies are always sexual. That is old and you.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@PoetryNEmotion if you think they are sexual, that is your problem. At least I don't resort to cursing.
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TVoyeur · 56-60, M
Thank you for your honesty. For myself, I enjoy viewing nude women for art and pleasure, probably a bit more for the later, if I'm being honest 😉 I think the female body is extraordinarily beautiful and you are no exception , my🌹
jasonfire · 56-60, M
@TVoyeur i think everybody agrees with you. i for one am surprised that someone so attractive is willing to show herself fully nude, face and all! and what a face
TVoyeur · 56-60, M
@jasonfire You are so right and yes, a beautiful face.
sben4200 · 51-55, M
You have a beautiful smile. Your poses arre very natural and relaxed. You look like you are enjoying yourself. If you're comfortable with it, go for it.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos.
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@sben4200 thank u so much!!!
Tonydang · M
I understand there point there just trying to look out for you most on here are from the USA 🇺🇸 so honestly if you’re not in the country and I’m sure like most of us keep this place private and away from everyone the chances of anyone finding you on here is very minimal but more importantly you do what makes you feel comfortable
Tonydang · M
@jasonfire mate she truly is amazing 🔥
jasonfire · 56-60, M
@Tonydang i cant believe she put my nude in her new album i dont know if im honored or really embarressed lol
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@jasonfire be honored! i really like that pic of u!
Tonydang · M
This place is here for a little fun some people take it to serious you do you and have some fun
LondonCowboy · 51-55, M
There’s nothing wrong with public nudity . It’s totally healthy 💝
Lilyb · 22-25, F
Your pictures are beautiful!
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@Lilyb thank u lily!!!!
sben4200 · 51-55, M
Everyone is commenting on your nipples. I can't believe no one has mentioned that you have cutest little behind.
I'm happy to be the first to say that you have an amazing ass. :)
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@sben4200 I know. I have had kind of erect nipples all the time since I was 15 or 16. not sure why I guess that just how I am :)
jasonfire · 56-60, M
@sben4200 she does have an amazing ass but have you seen her pussy? its also quite amazing
sben4200 · 51-55, M
@jasonfire No. I haven't. I would love to see that if she wants to share.
Guardian · 56-60, M
Post whatever you are comfortable with. If it doesn't bother you, then it's no one else's business. One caveat I would add is to restrict your pix from 'underage' people.
Flipper111 · 51-55, M
Btw I wanted to reply to your comment about naked office but there was no reply button.

If with preparation like on that Tv show - would you? Or partial?
That's fine... IF your nudes stay here. We know for a fact that pictures shared here are taken and shared in other places...
Strike30 · M
the most important is that you feel comfortable with it. And by the looks of it you definetly do
Teslin · M
I do understand their concern.
If I post anything, I never show my face.
Well, posters can only warn you based on what they may’ve seen or experienced, but the decision is yours.
The guys here are less likely to dissuade you, of course. 😏
Alex51 · 61-69, M
If you are happy with it post nudes with face
Teslin · M
Well, I don't mind either 😊
I like your attitude. 🙂 👍
bgjb58 · M
Absolutely gorgeous!!!!
alright, then.
Panamared · 70-79, M
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tfan123 · 46-50, M
@croatiangirl22 I don’t mean using it though. Just posing sitting on it just like a chair 👍🙂😉👍🙂
croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@tfan123 i have to think about that
tfan123 · 46-50, M
@croatiangirl22 Thank you for considering it 👍🙂
Ranman · 51-55, M
I posted one before and then I saw nobody else really did so I felt like it’s really wanting the site to do that
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Ranman it is frustrating to post and get no responses. also, it seems no one really wants male nudes anyway.
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Post whatever you like. It is your profile and forum. Nobody needs to stand in your way
SalttyDawg · 70-79, M
You definitely take a beautiful pic 😉😛
agetheweebeast · 41-45, M
Please can you vote on my pinned poll
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Asianpersuasion · 36-40, C
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croatiangirl22 · 26-30, F
@Libarena cool!

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