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Why is interracial relationship/marriage/sexual affair etc. a taboo?

Or is it not? Have we accepted it already? Or yet to be there?
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LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@OldMan70 good for nothing neighbourhood i must say
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LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@OldMan70 👍
MarieUK · 36-40, F
where in the world today is it a taboo in the civilised world
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
MarieUK · 36-40, F
@LongHairedCougar its ok I didn't get the joke first time lol
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@MarieUK guess we missed some dots to connect in between lol
Not a taboo but preference for me. Is it my fault if I want skinny tanned middle eastern latina pacific islander beauties? for fuck sakes they are very appealing they love spicy foods instead of heavy carbs cheese burgers and fries.
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@michaelbeee i kinda agree yes
samwithoutapath · 31-35, M
It's more fetishized than a taboo these days. That's the real problem.
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@samwithoutapath ouch! Not being with anyone? Hows that possible? Care to share?
samwithoutapath · 31-35, M
@LongHairedCougar Briefly, a therapist that works with couples, children, abuse, and with police cases. Takes a toll.
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@samwithoutapath oh i see.. You work for a great cause. Respect and much love kido 😘😘
Laur0090 · 100+
I would say it depends on the topic — some things once taboo aren’t anymore — others still are
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@Laur0090 which wil be good or bad?
Laur0090 · 100+
@LongHairedCougar it all depends on what it is I guess
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@Laur0090 i know
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
What decade are you asking this question in time traveler?

It seems to me, in 2022, that interracial relationships are not merely tolerated, but actually celebrated and promoted.
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@SumKindaMunster cant agree more
I think it just depends on where you are and how conservative it is. Interracial is okay in most parts of the US, but is still frowned upon in a few areas. Personally, I try not to over analyze it.
Randie · 61-69, T
There is still some ignorant fool's out the but I think its pretty much excepted. It's nobody's business anyway. If someone has an issue they can go pound sand!!!!!!
IncredibleMom · 36-40, F
its not a taboo but i dont feel in any way attracted to dark skinned people. i had an asian girlfriend back in highschool though
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@IncredibleMom life is all about experiences.. We come across all kinds don't we?
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
To me it's not taboo. I don't care what race someone is. If I'm attracted to them? That's all I care about.
Lilred2289 · 31-35, F
@Cantsayno agreed
Ynotisay · M
I'm white, that's my reality I think it really comes down to location. Some places no one looks twice. It's a non-issue. Other places they look four times. And it's not just coming from white people. It's weird to get attention over something that you don't even consider is attention worthy. Easy to write off though. I've never had anyone say anything but it would be a pretty short conversation if they did.
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@Ynotisay to each their own
Ynotisay · M
@LongHairedCougar Well, sort of. People choosing to be with who they want to be with definitely falls under "to each their own." People having a problem with it can kiss off.
Only narrow minded racist karens would see it as a taboo. I love exotic beauties
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@michaelbeee to each their own afterall
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
That's news to me. I have an interracial marriage in my family, and although we're mostly traditional, no one batted an eyelash, at least that I saw.
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@uncalled4 that's progressive and appreciated 🥂
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
@LongHairedCougar I guess it is, isn't it? but they're all such good, salt-of-the-earth people, and that's what counts.
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@uncalled4 cant agree more
Ironically it is probably fetishized most my racists. Humans tend to use a person for sexual gratification and then spew hate and abuse at them when they are done.
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@canusernamebemyusername ouch why would anyone use and then abuse.. Perhaps it's true but why?
@LongHairedCougar It's a form of sexual abuse. I first saw it in childhood abuse but adults do the exact same pattern of get my rocks off then hate them because they got your rocks off.
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
Never has been to me.
VTDestiny · 22-25, M
I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Honestly I think it would be kinda racist if you had anything against an interaction relationship.
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@VTDestiny agreed
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
Some may see their national, ethnic, or tribal identity as being endangered,
and thus see miscegenation as genocide.
Strongtea · 22-25, M
I’m not sure, I’ve never been with anyone from a different race/culture. I just like people who are similar to me.
Tukudo · 41-45, M
I think it's not taboo..but people are not broadminded to accept the natural ethnic as beautiful.
acpguy · C
It has been accepted by most people with half a brain. Many claim to accept it also but lie.
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@acpguy perhaps true
crystalkid · 56-60, T
I would like to think it isn't, but some still seem to be strongly against it
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@crystalkid i know
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
Really depends on where one lives. Some places are reluctant to let go of their bigotry
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@deadgerbil true that.. Its all accepter worldwide nowadays isnt it?
It is absolutely not.
I've never had a problem with interracial anything.
I LOVE it. 🥰
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@PhoenixPhail true that.. I have never had any problems either
EmilyMom · 51-55, F
you will find people with their prejudices in all places, to them it is taboo but not to normal society.
Lilred2289 · 31-35, F
I accept it
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@Lilred2289 i know you do you lil cat 😘
Lilred2289 · 31-35, F
@LongHairedCougar hehe shhhhh! ❤️❤️❤️💋
Raymuundo · 46-50, M
Seems like a thing of the past to me.
No taboos here 😏. Call 📞 me 🤙 …. 🤭
graphite · 61-69, M
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
Philasefer · M
I don’t think its no longer a taboo. There are lots of interracial relationships in the western parts of the world. Its more of a taboo in subcontinental and Middle east I am guessing
romell · 51-55, M
everyone has a different society and upbringing and values can one shoe fit all?
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@romell to each their own ofcourse
romell · 51-55, M
@LongHairedCougar since u understood that the relevance of the question becomes circumspect>?
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@romell there are two sides of the coin always
TH3S10GUY1 · M
I do not agree with interracial relationships,
you rarely see orientals mixing with other races, they have more pride & respect for themselves.
Ynotisay · M
@TH3S10GUY1 Interesting. I'll tell my "oriental" partner that. Yeah yeah. We see you dude. What is it? Replacement Theory? Man the fuck up, huh? Or better yet. Take a little trip outside of your lily white rubeville and see how people really live.
Randie · 61-69, T
I don't think it is for the most part. There will always be narrow minded people who are racist though.
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LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@chockaholic2020 just asking
Tracos · 51-55, M
I don't think it is?
LongHairedCougar · 51-55, F
@Tracos it shouldn't be either
oldnotbald · 70-79, M
Is it a taboo?

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