I want to tell you about my weirdest encounter here
Being a horny weirdo on the internet always comes with its tax, getting massages from people.
And usually they are not that bad, people want to chat and they start with this mind numbing boring small talk, people want to roleplay and etc.
But one time, I got a guy wanting to ask sexual questions, I said sure go ahead.
He wanted to know about the very first time I masturbated, the first time I ever touched my self sexually.
I answered, and its a good question because everyone is different it's interesting to see how people started their sexual journey.
But he kept asking and asking about very specific details.
And so far it was a bit weird but whatever, but then I gave him some of topic details, just sharing about the butt sex I had last night and he got annoyed, because he was asking questions about vagina and I talk about anal.
I was just chatting, sorry I didn't realize I was at the court of law and I can't say anything irrelevant .
And the way he was asking me, people are curious it's normal, but the way he was asking wanting detailed accurate answers, like what the hell dude? Are you a scientist or something? An investigator?
And usually they are not that bad, people want to chat and they start with this mind numbing boring small talk, people want to roleplay and etc.
But one time, I got a guy wanting to ask sexual questions, I said sure go ahead.
He wanted to know about the very first time I masturbated, the first time I ever touched my self sexually.
I answered, and its a good question because everyone is different it's interesting to see how people started their sexual journey.
But he kept asking and asking about very specific details.
And so far it was a bit weird but whatever, but then I gave him some of topic details, just sharing about the butt sex I had last night and he got annoyed, because he was asking questions about vagina and I talk about anal.
I was just chatting, sorry I didn't realize I was at the court of law and I can't say anything irrelevant .
And the way he was asking me, people are curious it's normal, but the way he was asking wanting detailed accurate answers, like what the hell dude? Are you a scientist or something? An investigator?