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Finally have some privacy

We've had relatives staying with us for more than a month, in my office, which doubles as our guest room, so I have been mostly cut off from surfing for porn. I feel like I'm too old to go back to jerking off in the shower, but a guy's gotta do, right? Finally today our relatives have left for a couple days, so I plan to be surfing and jerking nonstop.
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DragonFruit · 61-69, M
My "office" (desk, computer, fax machine file cabinet) is also im the guest bedroom, so I cam relate.
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
I use my phone now for years.
RudeBoy1977 · 51-55, M
i do sometimes, but i try to keep my online porn life limited to a different browser on my laptop. plus, i just really like the big screen on my computer
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
@RudeBoy1977 I know big is nice. I also use private in my browser. Not that I need to keep it private but it’s just better that it’s not right there. I also keep many tabs open browsers. I’m trying to work on not having so many tabs open.

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