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As a man, do you fully understand your penis? As a woman, do you fully understand your vagina ?

As I'm a man, I have a penis. Yep. Because I'm born with such I'm a man and therefore my gender is 'male'.

But do I think I fully understand my penis, how it works, what it does, how it reacts in various situations, etc.? Not in the slightest! All I know it's below average in size. When flacid it's tiny (may as well not be there), gets to about 5.5 inch when erect (so failing to meet the length criteria of what most women want). It's 'cut' (ie. mutilated at birth) so no foreskin. It functions ok as a pee pipe and a jizz pipe. Orgasms through masturbation are generally not very exciting.

Similarly for women. Do you fully understand your vagina, how it works, what it does, and how it reacts in various situations?

Does a person ever really know *100 percent* everything about their sex bits? I've doubted that I fully understand mine because of my very poor dating experiences and for the most part sub-par intimate experiences during relationships. But there's a heap more involved in the emotional/psychological space there that's not relevant to the topic.

Note I'm specifically *not* talking about breasts (either male or female) in this. Most of you know I'm very confused about why adult human breasts are supposed to be an automatic attractor so the focus in just on the other parts.
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Lanyx · 41-45, M
Unless you are a urologist, no one will understand their genials 100%. I feel we don't need to understand it. We just need to know what we can and can't do, what we should and shouldn't do with them.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@Lanyx Fair call. I'm more asking in relation to how the pysical and physological aspects interact and what should happen in various sets of circumstances.
helenS · 36-40, F
Do you fully understand your vagina, how it works, what it does...
Yes I think I do, on the level of a gynaecology textbook.
and how it reacts in various situations?
That was something I had to find out by myself, that's not textbook stuff. I sometimes feel like I still have to, and I'm almost 40.
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
@helenS I am not sure I could teach you anything new but I would love to experience new things with you, a great way for us both to learn.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@helenS I can tell you with total genuineness that I do not understand how a woman's vagina works. I know it does stuff for sex and giving birth but not much else. I'm not a gynacalogicalist. ;-) And the last time I was anywhere near one in any intimate sense (like up close and personal not involving penny traytion) is so far back that I have no recollection of when and what was going on.
helenS · 36-40, F
@zonavar68 I think you shouldn't care too much about how a vagina "works". Just find a woman and find out how she feels, that's enough 🌷
Cowboybob · M
I don’t understand any of it to be honest
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oldguy73 · 70-79, M
@zonavar68 i know i was hoping santa claus read it, or the good fairy, or even the easter bunny
helenS · 36-40, F
@oldguy73 All you need is some more self-assuredness. Believe me, worrying about penis size is solely a male thing.
oldguy73 · 70-79, M
@helenS tks, glad to hear that

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