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Either it's the weed or a hormonal surge

Kids (she sure was acting like one!) these days. They have so much to say about the right to identify their gender but refuse to accept how you identify yours.

I suspect she (???) has her own confusion to deal with.

But thankfully, she did the honor of blocking me. Saved me the trouble.

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Matt85 · 36-40, M
She's trouble that one😶
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@Matt85 Too lonely to have someone to talk to. Petty too.
Darin99branch · 51-55, M
You held your own rather elegantly. Especially for a fully leaded, bisexual heterosexual. 😆😆. Obv, jk. But, I’d say you made your point superbly. She obviously just likes to argue for arguments sake.
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@Darin99branch I was waiting for her to make a point. To begin with, it's really none of her business how I identify, she just HAD to be a pain in the ass.
Darin99branch · 51-55, M
@IamCuriousBabe you were class and style throughout.
IamCuriousBabe · 51-55, F
@Darin99branch Glad to see her tap out. Hahaha

Tbh, it was a waste of time. Good thing I was at the gym and responding in between sets and just going on full of endorphins.

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