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Not Safe Fantasy Writing: The Stray Shadow

There was a stray shadow in the castle that night.

The hounds didn't see it passing them by, nor did the guards. The Duke wouldn't see now that his head was skewered by a shard of flashing moonlight.

Only the skulking thief had any inkling that something was out of place. Thanks to his natural dark vision, the Goblin could see through the illusion that the Elvish assassin cloaked herself with.

It wasn't the shadow of a tree standing there in the window.

Rather, the stray shadow's true form was a shapely pale figure glowing in moonlight. Under the shadows her curves were only barely covered. Without so much as a drop of blood on her silky skin.

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Hiding behind the curtains was no use. With one swipe she cut it down and revealed the Goblin behind it.

"Give me one reason not to cut you to ribbons right here and now," She whispered.

Well, the Goblin had a long career as a sneaky underhanded little green bastard. His tongue had gotten him out of many dangerous situations and it was about to do so once again.

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Teslin · M
Ahhh, the magic tongue.

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