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JD Vance claims that most of our solar panels were manufactured in China

…guess that Yale “educated” lawyer never passed a course in mathematics in his privileged life:

HINT JD: 80 percent of the solar panels in our country were manufactured right HERE in the GOOD OLE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Facts—a good thing to check before you sprout of nonsense on National TV—Mr “Combat Correspondent”

Fa8393 · 41-45, M
And the rest of that percentage was created over seas and why is that so hard for you to accept . Jd vance and trump want less products coming from other countries. He wants companys creating our products here in the usa instead of overseas . On the other hand Democrats want our jobs overseas for other countries to make products for usa . Not so hard to understand for me .
Fa8393 · 41-45, M
@Northwest would you agree who has the better policies or just about who is wrong or right ?
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Fa8393 So…your excuse of you believing tRUMP’s and Vance’s lies and misinformation is that we have TDS

In other words—you know your following liars who are unethical. One of whom tried to violently overturn an election and the other who can’t even answer a simple question about January 6th.

Says a lot about you—none of it good.

Go and wallow in your delusions and feel good about yourself.

But for your own good don’t break the law for your false Messiah like so many of your compatriots did on January 6th. tRUMP ain’t worth ruining your life for. And he won’t appreciate your sacrifice either.

Bye now and have a good life.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
@Fa8393 solution?? There’s not a problem. A global economy is the only groovy way to live, any other way is square. We can open the borders to help with the gene pool and intelligence level here, you’ll see this will solve your imagined problems. Trust me you’ll forget about these creepy people like tromp.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
GOP accepts a lot of political donations from China
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@TheShanachie And lest we forget: tRUMP’s Puppet Master is Putin and his self-professed lover is Fratricidal KJU!
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
I can believe that... most everything we buy is made in china :(
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Fa8393 It should be obvious to everyone who read my post that I was pointing out yet again more misinformation if not blatant lies coming from tRUMP/Vance.
Snuffy1957 · 61-69, M
Do you believe the lies and untruthful statements Harris makes?
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