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Deception, lies , and withholding information

Deception, lies and withholding information is the only way one can describe the current border policy. The disaster that is the current immigration policy HAS TO STOP!!! They wanted to pass a bill for more money to throw at this insanely out of control nightmare that they wasted 66 billion with a "B" on last year alone , while spent only 6 billion on our veterans!!

Biden's freedom flights they once denied are flying illegal immigrants into the USA daily . Direct flights into over 20 airports , they are given work visas for 2 yrs, vouchers for clothing, housing, food, medical care and sent on there way with little vetting or screening. Flying them on tax payer dollars with the numbers over 400,000 illegals last year alone.

The supposed intention of the current border policy was to make AMERICA safer for our citizens, reduce the amount of illegal drugs flooding across our southern border and to make entry into America easier and safer for illegal aliens. The first two are absolute failures and infact have done 100% opposite than what they were intended to do. Creating a variety of other safety and drug smuggling issues that has created a ripple affect that just keeps growing. The only part that has been successful , making it easier for illegals to enter the country , in itself has put US citizens in more danger making it a failure as well. These unvetted and not uncommon convicted felons are given 2 yr work visas, vouchers for housing, food, medical care , transportation and turned loose into society. They have committed several high profile murders and multiple murders, rapes, multiple rapes, assaults, attempted murders and on and on.

The only way this clusterf#ck nightmare and burden on taxpayers is going to stop is to remove the current administration. I don't like Trump either .....but the current immigration policy HAS TO STOP!! For the safety of your families and mine and for the chance to re-appropriate some of the massively wasted tax dollars to more appropriate and common sense needs that could benefit deserving AMERICANS for more than the millions of undeserving illegals flooding our border and cities. Put your personal opinions and ideas aside and do what is best for America and the most serious set of problems facing our citizens today. If you don't it is only going to get much worse at the cost of more innocent american lives from the murder, torture , assaults and drug overdoses from the increased flood of drugs crossing our southern border. STOP THE MADNESS !!


This message has been brought to you by a very concerned and well informed private citizen hoping to see America looking out for Americans as our first priority. Because we all know none of the politicians give a flying F# ck about any of us. Then maybe ...just maybe ... we can all come together and try to start some real change in government like term limits, campaign limits, tax reform, end lobbying , and kick backs and corruption.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
We had a bipartisan border bill that was negotiated by very conservative Republicans, and would be law by now, but Trump commanded the bill be dropped so he could use it as a campaign issue. Let's start by passing that bill, and then pass additional legislation as necessary.

If you understand the issue, then you know that immigrants commit less crime than US citizens do. This is true for both legal and illegal immigrants as well as asylum seekers. Blaming increased crime on immigrants is factually incorrect and does the issue a disservice.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@windinhishair The asylum issue is out of control , that's one of the things that needs to be fixed . There are other sources as well , but the Congressional hearings were not pulling numbers out of a hat. Those numbers can be verified through other sources. If you want to continue to believe that the border is secure and not a collosal nightmare , that's on you and those of you who want to continue to swallow the BS you are fed. There are so many other issues , effects and affects of the current policy that I haven't even touched on in this post . And none you have obviously done enough research to realize that you are being lied to, misled , and uninformed about serious safety issues that continue to grow everyday. You should start to realize what they have been lying to you about and denying is just the tip of the iceberg. I suggest you keep reading and researching to find out the real truth and all the truth about the current policy.

The TSA confirmed they are allowing arrest warrants to be used as a form of ID. They have been lying about that to. The is a direct violation of existing immigration laws . WAKE UP!!! Stop believing in this administration !!

They don't mention it but they are going to violate the second amendment the first chance they get. They don't mention it because it is such a heated and controversial and heart felt subject for many of us Americans.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@goodlil666 The asylum issue was the primary issue of the bipartisan border bill that Trump scuttled that would otherwise be law now. It would have been law by now otherwise.

I never said the border was secure, nor that we don't need to do anything about it. The real culprits are the House and Senate, who have failed to address the issue for several generations now, leading to this mess. Unless you have forgotten, Congress is the legislative branch and develops and passes laws So let's pass the border bill and start working on other border issues AND improving the asylum issue response.

Did you even read my post? Your response seems to indicate that you did not.

So you somehow know that "they" are going to violate the Second Amendment? Who are "they"? What do "they" plan to do? And how do you, alone, know this? Get professional help NOW!
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Biden's freedom flights they once denied are flying illegal immigrants into the USA daily . Direct flights into over 20 airports , they are given work visas for 2 yrs, vouchers for clothing, housing, food, medical care and sent on there way with little vetting or screening. Flying them on tax payer dollars with the numbers over 400,000 illegals last year alone.

This is simply not true.

Just google "biden freedom flights".

The article at is one of several providing correct information.

The errors in the above paragraph:

1) These are not "illegal immigrants"/"illegals", they are pre-vetted asylum seekers (going through legal channels, seeking asylum).

2) There is not "little vetting".

3) The implication that this had been secret; this has been public knowledge, with the program initially announced and the increased monthly limit posted in the Federal Register.

4) The monthly limit is 30,000, for a maximum of 360,000 per year; the program couldn't have brought in 400,000 people last year.

5) The notion that "illegal immigrants" are being given all manner of help. Asylum seekers likely have assistance to help them get started. Illegals do not.

I have no idea when these flights occur, where they land, or what people get if they are granted asylum.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@windinhishair My comments are far from racist and I have lived 100 miles from the border for over 40 yrs. I have a better understanding of every aspect of current legal and illegal immigration than you or 90% of the people here.

I suggest you click on those two links and educate yourself.on what the government is not telling you. I know you have dealt with being a sponsor for immigrants but many people are having different rules and standards applied to them.

They are allowing criminal warrants to be used as a form of ID.
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goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@DeWayfarer That bill didn't pass because it did practically nothing to address the other issues the current border policy has created. Go read the actual bilI and you will see that. Stop spewing the BS the media feeds you and go to the sources and read the real facts. The Biden administration is flying immigrants daily from mostly mexico and South America and they are allowing criminals to use their arrest warrants as a form of identification. They give them 2 yr work visas and vouchers for housing, food, clothes and medical care. That is a crime the government is committing against its own citizens allowing known criminals into the country .

It is a bad proposal and the whole border policy needs to be reworked. As well as reducing funding for Biden's disaster on the border.

There are so many other issues and problems and it has not done one thing to improve the safety of our citizens and actually just the opposite.

Educate yourselves from the actual papers, proposals and bills that are public record . Go see all they issues that they are lying about, dening exist and ignoring. They denied for a long time they were flying them in, denied they were admitting known criminals access into our country and look you in the eye and tell you the border is secure. It has never been as open as it is now in the 40 some years I have been living here.

And also re- appropriate at least half of the 66 Billion tax payers dollars to they citizens who have have earned it and deserve it. 33 Billion dollars could make great improvements in our veterans care and welfare systems .

Why is the government spending over 10 times as many tax dollars on people who don't deserve it or have earned it??
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@goodlil666 that bill was sponsored by Republicans!

Answer why they sponsored it?
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Maybe you should just move to Mexico before "they" all come here; that country should be almost empty by now.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@ChipmunkErnie Not a chance, you can't own a firearm for self defense down there. And with the drug cartels and corrupt government doing whatever they want, no thanks.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@SomeMichGuy Allowing known criminals into this country is illegal in itself. Yes little vetting is exactly what goes on, then giving the them temporary work visas again is illegal. And of course it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out they are going to ignore their court date and disappear into society. So yes that still makes many of them still illegal with government provided current documents. And it's not an isolated incident that these illegal/legals are committing violent , heinous crimes. Thanks to the current administrations misguided, inept , and illegal policies that they had to create " emergency overrides" to justify and make their illegal actions legal. But you keep backing that administration that doesn't give a sh#t about Americans, and chooses to spend over 10 times more on undeserving immigrants than on the people who have earned it and are deserving of it. SMH

And yes they have lied and deceived and ignored about much of the nightmare they created.
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GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Lmao, they should open the borders. USA doesn't respect anyone else's borders, so why not return the favor?
jehova · 31-35, M
Congress passed that spending. Biden didnt veto it. Blame the legislature. The president can only do so much.
Northwest · M
well informed

Truthiness is more like it.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@Northwest You go read the documents and sources that I have been referring to and you will see that is what your getting from the current administration And they continue to lie , deny and overlook until they can't any longer.

They are not talking about it but they are going after our guns to. The will violate the Second Amendment the first chance they get.
Northwest · M
@goodlil666 You should learn some English.
goodlil666 · 51-55, M
@GeistInTheMachine That's what Biden has done and it needs to stop.

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