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Proof that Trump lost the debate

Remember two and a half months ago (has it only been that long?) when Biden lost the debate against Trump? The reason we knew he lost was because Democrats were saying it. There were also excuses for his poor performance, like "he had a cold," but the main discussion was about replacing him at the top of the ticket. I don't remember anyone saying he won. There were a few articles about how if you ignored his weak, barely audible delivery and awkward pauses, and focused on his actual words, he was very detailed in contrast with Trump's bombast and fire hose of lies. But overall, Democrats were admitting he lost.

The same thing is happening now on the Republican side. Of course, the hard-core MAGAs are saying Trump won, but he could have pulled his pants down and taken a dump right on stage and they'd still say he won. But outside the cult, they're admitting he lost. The proof is that they're giving excuses for his performance, like "the moderators were biased" or "Harris got the questions in advance" or my favorite, "Harris' earrings were actually earbuds and someone was feeding her the answers" (maybe Pete Buttigieg or Barack Obama?). No one ever makes excuses for the winner, just the loser. Even Trump knows he lost, because he felt the need to come out right after and handle the spin himself. His excuse was that the moderators fact-checked him, but not Harris. Of course, she didn't say anything as outrageous as Haitian immigrants are eating the fine house pets of Ohio, a meme currently making its way around the right-wing internet, and one JD Vance is doubling down on.

Whether this debate moves the needle at all remains to be seen. Winning a debate isn't winning an election. Electoral-vote.com has a summary here:

Great post! Yes, the right-wing weirdness in the wake of the debate certainly tells a tale, does it not?
ShadowSister · 46-50, F
I don't understand the "undecided" voters. I understand why someone might leery towards Harris. Let's say someone doesn't agree with her policies. Okay, most of us don't. I certainly have my issues with her. So for the sake of argument, let's concede that she's a bad candidate. If so, she's bad like junk food.

Her opponent is bad like cyanide.

Why is this even still something we are having a national conversation about?
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@ShadowSister Some people aren't that dialed in to politics. The first presidential election I voted in was 1980, between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. At the time, I thought "there's no difference between the two parties" and probably voted Libertarian or Communist.
@emiliya You're projecting. Jill Stein is a Russian stooge whose only reason for appearing on the ballot is to take votes away from the Democrat. And if you want to see a grab for absolute power, read the 2025 Project (also known as the presidential transition plan) and its vision for turning America into a christofascist dictatorship. And please don't tell me "Trump distanced himself from it." Of course he did, it's toxic. But his running mate wrote the forward to the Heritage Foundation president's upcoming book. Project 2025 is Trump's agenda. If you disagree, tell me what you don't like about it.
Northwest · M
From one of my comments yesterday:

When the Democrats saw that there's an issue with the candidate, they asked him to step aside. When "Conservatives" are faced with a logical decision, they punt and pick party over country.
Republican Karl Rove says Trump got ‘crushed by a woman he called dumb as a rock’ during ‘train wreck’ debate

Veteran Republican strategist says Trump’s ‘furious’ performance ‘catastrophic’ whereas Harris was ‘calm, confident, strong and focused on the future’

Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-harris-debate-karl-rove-verdict-b2611340.html

Writing in The Wall Street Journal, Rove says the former president’s performance was “far worse than anything Team Trump could have imagined” and Trump was “visibly rattled” as Harris “launched rocket after rocket at him.”

. . .

Going deeper, Rove writes that Trump was bested by his emotions when he must have known Harris would try and get him to lose his cool.

“He took the bait almost every time she put it on the hook, offering a pained smile as she did,” Rove said. “Rather than dismissing her attacks and launching his strongest counterarguments against her, Mr Trump got furious.”

. . .

Offering his opinion of Trump’s demeanor, Rove says: “It matters how debating candidates carry themselves. There, it was no contest. Ms Harris came across as calm, confident, strong and focused on the future. Mr Trump came across as hot, angry and fixated on the past, especially his own.”

. . .

“But there’s no putting lipstick on this pig,” says Rove. “Mr Trump was crushed by a woman he previously dismissed as ‘dumb as a rock’. Which raises the question: What does that make him?”
thisguy20 · 41-45, M
SUPER-WEIRD jd THE COUCH-MAN vance is from Ohio...maybe its him and/or his family of immigrants (see his mail-order bride and her chain-immigration relatives) who are eating those pets, which would explain how he knows about it happening
1234cardiff · 61-69, M
%100 right
What worries me is ( if the count is hacked and unbelievable he's win again against all odds and poles. If he loses u s a could have another civil war.

He has such a dictatorship creative mind and pregidest to immigrate
( born in America make you American )
God help and bless American lives and life style
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@trollslayer Great analysis! To me it shows that rich people see 'money' on his coat-tails and know that what he plans to do will benefit them too. As for the famous ones - take a look at the number of movie-types and music-makers who distance themselves from him. And, yes... there are some who don't.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Excellent compare and contrast!

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