@BarefootedBoy ROTFLMFAO! About that claim that Antifa “burned cities”?Turns out the DOJ, under Trump’s watch, discovered that right wing white nationalist domestic terrorists were orchestrating an perpetrating much of the violence.Have a look at some headlines:
The bottom is a meme. Everything above that is a headline captured from newspaper reporting at the time. I would’ve included links to these articles, which are plentiful (and still can if you’re interested in taking a deep dive), but the headlines tend to get the point across faster.
Most will not jump ship no matter how they feel about President Trump. They will not support Harris because of her stance on abortion.. and yes, I know that there are some people who call themselves Christians who support abortion, but a true Christian will never support abortion
Democrats in Washington have called for the assassination of Trump not once but twice. No, they didn’t say those exact words, but everybody knows that’s what they mean when numerous politicians have said that Donald Trump and his supporters must be stopped. . Isn’t that what the Libs have said about Donald Trump but it doesn’t matter that he didn’t say the words to attack the capital but everybody knew that’s what he meant.
Don’t you think it’s a little bit worse to spew there a violence to murder President Trump than it is to call on his supporters to destroy a building? Even though that’s not what he said to do. Soliciting murder is worse.. I wonder what their trial is going to look like. There will certainly be more than one charged
The majority of so-called evangelicals see D. Trump as being the lesser of the two evils, so they'll support him no matter what simply because the alternative is FAR worse for Christians.