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A Warning On Refusal To Certify Election Results

It is well known that there are election deniers sitting on election boards in several swing states. Their goal is to simply refuse to certify any vote tally that Harris/Walz win.

Trump has boasted that "You don't need to vote. I have all the votes I need!"

This is a major concern and there have been any number of people that say there is a plan to combat this, if and when it occurs.

My fear is this: There is nothing in the Constitution that requires anyone to certify a vote tally in a state.

If that happens....what next? We all know the goal is to create so much doubt and chaos that the decision is thrown to the House of Representatives or if that fails, getting the decision to SCOTUS, and we know the conservative court that has already granted immunity to a president, would rule in favor of Trump.

There is no Constitutional provision or Federal law that requires electors to vote according to the results of the popular vote in their States. Some States, however, require electors to cast their votes according to the popular vote.

We are entering very scary uncharted waters.
@Gibbon says
I believe the Dems have more ways of manipulating votes than Harry Houdini had escape methods.

And yet dedicated republican investigative teams, working for YEARS, have failed to identify any significant manipulation of votes. Maybe it's witchcraft?? Because your accusation here sounds a lot like a witchcraft accusation!!

Trump brought SIXTY ONE court cases at different levels in different states with different teams of lawyers, and NONE of them found any evidence of significant election fraud. NONE of them.

Trump also asked his attorney general (and one of his staunchest allies), William Barr, to have the 112,000 member Dept of Justice look into election fraud. I don't know how many members were assigned to look for fraud, but with 112,000 members they have plenty of resources. Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

But wait! There's more!!

In the days after his 2020 loss, Trump's campaign commissioned two different independent firms to look into 2020 election fraud: Simpatico Software, headed by Ken Block, and Berkeley Research Group. Neither found any significant fraud.

In the months after Biden took power, the republican states of Arizona and Georgia carried out very careful hand recounts and examinations of voter rolls, including the notorious Arizona "Cyber Ninja" hand count. Both found no significant fraud and no signs of funny business.

Ariz. hand count
Georgia signature audit
Georgia Independent machine audit

But wait! There's more!!

Additional "rigged election" claims have evaporated under scrutiny.

(1) Mike Lindell? Lost to his own "prove me wrong" thing.
(2) Mark Meadows? Recanted under oath.
(3) Sydney "Kracken" Powell? Recanted under oath.
(4) Kenneth Chesebro? Recanted under oath.
(5) Rudy Giuliani? Convicted of defamation.
(6) Vote counting machines? They match hand counts.
(7) 2000 Mules? Source "True the Vote" refuses to back up any of their claims in court, despite subpoenas.
(8) Fox News paid out $787,500,000 because they couldn't support their claims of election fraud. $787,500,000 - that ain't pocket change. A business doesn't pay out $787,500,000 for defamation without first spending millions to see if there might be a shred of support for what its people said; to find some excuse for why it's not defamation.

Source info for all points available upon request.

So there you have it, .. There's no rational reason to believe Trump's lies about a "rigged" or "stolen" election. Evidence for it doesn't exist. Now I know all these investigations won't change the minds of cult members, but an immunity to evidence is one of the ways you know you're in a CULT!!!
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@ElwoodBlues You Dems are a cult the likes of which have never been seen. Keep pounding on me about Trump then question yourself where have you specifically seen me strictly stand up for Trump himself in lieu of defending the conservative point of view. You don't know squat about me other than I believe your side is intentionally destroying our country.
@Gibbon You said:
I believe the Dems have more ways of manipulating votes than Harry Houdini had escape methods.
I'm asking about these "ways of manipulating votes." Care to describe what you're talking about here? Care to cite actual evidence?? What do you know that all these other investigators have missed???

Keep pounding on me about Trump
Did you completely miss what I posted?? Read again, dude!!

You raised a serious issue with your claim regarding "ways of manipulating votes," and I'm asking you serious questions about it. Are you going to duck, or will you address the questions about these alleged "ways of manipulating votes"??
Vin53 · M
Well according to SCOTUS, POTUS can simply eliminate them as an official act then.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
I think I just landed on Mars. Not a clue where to begin.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@Vin53 Think you're so clever. Bye
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@JSul3 Isn't that just touching. Shame you weren't intelligent enough to recognize your own brainwashing. The left owns your soul.
Ynotisay · M
@Gibbon Just to jump in here, you were asked if you deny there were Trump-supporting electors who tried to overturn election results. It's a simple question. You deny it or you don't. So why not answer it?
Ynotisay · M
You're last line in particular was right on the money. And it's applicable to quite a few issues over the past eight years or so. It's made me realize that our laws around governance had thing things like honesty, integrity and duty baked in to the cake. They served as guardrails. Those without those qualities see an opportunity.
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
Making excuses already, eh
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trollslayer · 46-50, M
@sunsporter1649 once again, you have that backwards.
JSul3 · 70-79
@soar2newhighs Auto spell error corrected.
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