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The New York Times Rates 10 Democrats’ Chances of Beating Trump — And Puts Kamala Harris Dead Last


On a 10-point scale, Harris was rated a 4.6, and was one of only two candidates to have the average of their electability scores fall below 5 (California Governor Gavin Newsom was the other, at 4.9).
TexChik · F
Cleary they intend to cheat or, come September, the Lib judge Marchan will put Trump in jail and give him the Epstein treatment.
People are going to vote against Trump in big numbers. Keeping him from power is the unifying goal.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
I'm sure you saw the two most recent polls today. One had Harris and Trump tied, and the other had Harris up by 2 points. Looking good for Harris, especially when you consider there are some people who don't know much about her. Everyone already has an opinion on Trump, and he has maxed out his support, while Harris has a huge amount of upside.
Illyria · M
And yet...

Illyria · M
@Illyria You are in Libturd lala land
Illyria · M
@Experienced33 It's good to be a lib right now 😊 We have the election sewn up in November, and you are going to be disappointed at first, but then relieved.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
You like the New York Times now? Did you see their current 2024 Presidential Ratings? Biden is number 14, in a virtual tie with John Adams. Trump is dead last in 45th, with a score 50% lower than the president in 44th.
NinaCherry · 26-30, F
i thought she meant the 2028 election 😅
Musicman · 61-69, M
There is no possible way Kamala the Kackler could legally be elected. When she ran last time she only had 2% of the Democrats vote.
Illyria · M
@Musicman boy are you in for a disappointment if you think there’s “no possible way” 🤣 80 million + Americans will disagree 😎
Musicman · 61-69, M
@Illyria Not a chance! I was in a restaurant the other day and two tables away there was two Democrat couples talking. They finally got around to Kamala when one of them said how disappointed they were the the Democrat party. That putting forth Kamala was handing the Presidency to Trump. Then they all shocked me by saying they wouldn't vote for her. Of course they never said they would vote for Trump though either.
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hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout changing you cleanest dirty shirt and donning your dirtiest and most threadbare shirt.
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