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RFK Jr. barbecued and ate a dog

Among other things. This article details the skeletons in his closet, which are so numerous, if they could vote, he would win an election for king of the world. RFK has claimed that the animal in the photo is a goat, but experts confirm that it is, in fact, a dog. He also said it was a dog in a note when he sent the photo to a friend. RFK also claims that the photo was taken in Patagonia, but forensic data shows that it was taken in South Korea in 2010. Dog is a well-known South Korean dish. This was also when RFK contracted the brain-eating worm he has. The article also details a sexual assault allegation by a woman who was 23 at the time.

For balance, here's an article with RFK's response to the Vanity Fair piece.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
This has been debunked, Vanity Fair withdrew their piece.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@LeopoldBloom Yeah that was a good one. Got to zing you twice, first as a pedophilia joke, then a dig at your obsession with abortion.

You're not taking that seriously are you?
@SumKindaMunster I never can tell with you.

The reason I'm "obsessed" with abortion is because the ability of the women of a given country to control their reproduction through birth control and abortion is correlated with the country's degree of liberty and prosperity. I may have asked you already to name a few free and prosperous countries where abortion is illegal. The only one I can think of is Malta, and the abortion rate there is the same as in other EU countries because Maltese women have abortions in Italy.

Abortion rights are essential to a free society.

Did you see the YouGov poll that came out yesterday? RFK's support dropped from 15% to 3%. Apparently, his supporters were "double haters," and now that Biden is out of the race, most of them have shifted to Harris.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@LeopoldBloom This is my philosophy Bloom. We're just talking here. I'm not upset by anything you say and appreciate your time. Ultimately I respect your beliefs, even if I don't agree.

I certainly mean what I say when I talk politics, but I am just goofing on you here because the opportunity presented itself.

My apologies if I offended you.

I haven't been paying attention to RFK's campaign. My wife is somewhat interested, I am not voting for anymore 3rd party candidates for President for the foreseeable future.
JSul3 · 70-79
It was a BBQ'd goat.
No fan of RFK Jr. but can we stick to truth and fact?
@LordShadowfire Even if it was a goat, it's still in poor taste to tell the other person it was a dog. Also, mugging with an animal carcass is also considered in poor taste. If he was posing with a rifle next to the carcass of a deer he'd just shot, you wouldn't be as generous.
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@LordShadowfire I get that. If he was otherwise an ideal candidate except for that one stunt, I'd give him a pass.

I've voted in every election since I turned 18 other than when I was overseas, but if the contest comes down to RFK vs. Trump, I'm writing in Elizabeth Warren or Pete Buttigieg. That would be like asking if you want a heart attack or a stroke.
emiliya · 22-25, F
Do these stories come out to inform or influence people?
@emiliya Both.
JSul3 · 70-79
@LeopoldBloom I watched a national news program...not Fox News....there was a physician that said, and a number of his colleagues agreed, it is a goat and not a dog. A goat has 12 to 14 pair of ribs.
@Prison1203 Is that why you can't get any dates with 20 year olds, so you have to go for the younger ones?

Dude, go ahead and vote for RFK if you want.
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@LeopoldBloom I’ve been married for 28 years, I don’t need a date, unlike you the only date you can get is your hand , and even it refuses you
@Prison1203 Congratulations. I've been married to the same woman for over 30 years. But at least I'm not drooling over 12 year old boys the way you are.
Ynotisay · M
Don't think it's true.
What is true is that his recent response to sexual misconduct allegations from his then 23 year old nanny was, "I am who I am."
@Ynotisay He told the person he sent the photo to that it was dog.

Sexual misconduct is only a problem for Democrats.
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@Ynotisay I don't follow RFK closely enough to know his irrelevant opinion on what medical care is appropriate for children with gender dysphoria. He's basically right wing, so I assume he's agin' it.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
"Dog is a well-known South Korean dish."

So, when in Rome...

What are you NOW, Leo, some kind of racist?! 😲

I should report you ! 😡
@Thinkerbell But this is just fine.

Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

Did Ivanka leave a diary entry about Trump taking showers with her...? 🤔
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Prison1203 · 61-69, M

The cackling VP ate a bunch of dogs and not hot dogs
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@Prison1203 Trump spent his entire time in court farting, and everyone near him remarked on his odor. "Sleepy von Schitzenpants" is Michael Cohen's name for Trump. Personally, I prefer Traitor Tot.

But you've convinced me. I'm not voting for Biden, he's too old.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@NoThanksLeon I'm specifically referring to federal political candidates.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@CountScrofula I know, right? Why is it positions of power always attract the type of people who abuse power?
@CountScrofula Because sniffing someone's hair for 2 seconds is "rape?"
The dog got revenge by giving RFK that worm.
@BohemianBabe Joke's on the dog. It ate part of RFK's brain, but no one can tell the difference.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
The guy was hungry and the dog meat smelled delicious.
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@MarmeeMarch It's an enduring question as to whether JFK and RFK Sr. would be viewed differently today if they hadn't been assassinated. Supposedly, if Joe Kennedy Jr. had survived WWII, he would have been president.

It's an interesting family. Joe Kennedy Sr. definitely has an unsavory history. On his mother's side, JFK's grandfather Francis Fitzgerald was a Congressman and Mayor of Boston, definitely a more patrician background than he got from Joe.

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