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Debate takeaway

Anyone who knew nothing about the two men on stage last night would have seen Biden as a frail, elderly man who was hard to understand at times, while Trump appeared organized and energetic. Biden often spoke too fast and lost his train of thought a few times, coming across as nervous and giving the impression that he was trying to cram detailed explanations he'd memorized into the limited time available. He would have done much better if he'd spoken slowly and forcefully with less detail. Biden has never been a good public speaker, and if he was talking that way in the debate prep, whoever advised him that it was a good idea should be fired.

Trump, on the other hand, avoided the mistakes everyone was expecting. His handlers probably told him to not speak into a dead mike as that would have looked bad, and he didn't veer off into weird riffs on sharks or electrocution or complaints that water doesn't come out of faucets anymore. I'm now wondering if he talks about that stuff at his rallies because he thinks his audience enjoys it, but has enough sense to know that it won't come across the same way to a national audience. Trump did have a pattern of ignoring the question and instead going back to add more to his answer to the preceding question. This was completely unnecessary given the debate's format, which gave each of them the opportunity for rebuttal and followup. But I'm afraid not answering the question in a forceful manner is a better look than answering it but making the audience wish there were subtitles. Biden also failed to make the case for legal abortion, arguably the Democrats' most popular issue, possibly due to his own personal ambivalence.

I want to make it clear that I would take Biden in a coma over Trump. But any Democrat would be better than Trump. I'm seeing more calls today to replace Biden, and if the goal is to beat Trump, that should be the priority. A brokered convention could be a disaster, and anyone who comes out of it as the nominee is going to be thoroughly hated by a large segment of Democratic voters. Ideally, Biden would resign now and let Harris run as the incumbent. At the moment, her disapproval ratings are lower than both Biden's or Trump's, and at least she was chosen by the voters four years ago, an advantage no one else has.

Another option would be for Biden to announce that he will finish his term, but is withdrawing his candidacy and freeing his delegates to vote for someone else. This would ignite a flurry of competition as the people who were expecting to run in 2028 would scramble for the nomination. The worst possible outcome would be a brokered convention where a substantial number of Biden's delegates decide to support someone else.

It's astonishing how important debate performance is compared to how little it has to do with the ability to govern. But perception is everything. It doesn't matter if Biden had a cold or if his debate prep focused on the wrong things. If he really is deteriorating mentally, people in his inner circle would be saying so. The people in Trump's inner circle haven't been shy about saying how ignorant and stupid he is. But Biden's performance last night certainly raises the question of whether he's capable of making it through the next four years.
fun4us2b · M
ASKING for this debate was an abject strategy failure by the Democrats and you your point:

It's astonishing how important debate performance is compared to how little it has to do with the ability to govern.

In a real sense it is good test of mental acuity. In fairness arguing with facts against a lying conman is not easy but I think many could have done better.
Ynotisay · M
You're right. Perception is everything in this country. Legislative success is irrelevant to way too many. That said, we're still five months out. This debate will be forgotten. And, apparently, he was sick. But it still raises questions if four more years is truly on the table.

I've always been a supporter of Biden's. He's been a political force for decades and, importantly, is a decent man who fights the good fight without promising magic wands. He's surrounded himself with good people and has made solid decisions. But perception in this country matters.

This one debate will be forgotten. Both Biden's physical state and Trump's consistent lies. But moving forward to do whatever it takes to defeat a fascist movement has to be a concern. But what's the move? Harris is crazy smart, fights the good fight and could handle the role. But some don't "like" her. As if that matters. But if were to happen, and someone like Newsom or Buttigieg was the VP, I think that team could sell both perception and legislative goals.

But is America ready for a woman President and either a perceived far left VP from California in Newsom (which isn't close to the truth) or a gay man in Buttigieg? I don't know.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
" But Biden's performance last night certainly raises the question of whether he's capable of making it through the next four years."

And so, at long last, you finally admit what has been perfectly OBVIOUS for a long time.

Even the CNN postmortem panel discussion dropped the silly pretense that there is nothing wrong with Biden.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Thinkerbell I know right? I know what dementia and senility looks like and Biden is clearly afflicted.
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
He would have done much better if he'd spoken slowly and forcefully with less detail. Biden has never been a good public speaker, and if he was talking that way in the debate prep, whoever advised him that it was a good idea should be fired.

As a former media trainer, couldn't agree more. No one can have all the data points memorized and at the tip of their tongue, or have enough time in two minutes to dredge it up. And trust me, it gets more difficult as you age. (It's there, just takes longer to find the right filing cabinet in your brain). And attempting to find the data, the exact right word obviously triggers his life-long stuttering challenge which has nothing to do with age. He should have been advised to stick to the fly-over narrative statement and let the fact checkers search for the data to support or challenge it.

Another option would be for Biden to announce that he will finish his term, but is withdrawing his candidacy and freeing his delegates to vote for someone else.

As LBJ did when the polls showed that he had a slim chance of winning the Democratic primaries and no chance at all of winning re-election as long as the Vietnam War was still going on. Didn't help the Democrats because they failed to pivot to a candidate at least moderately against the war, and probably too late in the election cycle for any candidate a brokered convention nominates. But the statesman like thing to do, both for his legacy and to give the country a shot at a realistic alternative in November given the way the two parties have gamed the system against third party candidates.
SeaGlass · F
Biden is too old, it's true. However, it didn't make me feel Trump was anything special, what with his lies and skipping subject matter to repeat and defend lies. I will give Trump credit for having more self control than in any other debate I've seen him participate, though. It was a wash, overall.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@SeaGlass I hated how Trump would not answer the question but just rebut again what Biden said.
SeaGlass · F
@JimboSaturn It was frustrating. I was interested in his potential answers that never came
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
The headlines in Canada: "Biden stumbles, Trump lies during debate"

Exactly as expected.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
It was an unmitigated disaster for Biden in my opinion.
True. Trump may have told obvious lies, but he certainly seems cogent.
Americans already expressed a desire for other candidates. Let's just say that democracy lost. Biden and Trump it shall only be, because murkans ain't voting no Green, everyone knows.
I want to make it clear that I would take Biden in a coma over Trump.
Cult mentality.
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