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Northwest · M
Given the range of topics, 2 hours is not that long. I have longer conversations with my barista :-)
They discussed Ukraine, Russia, stop stealing US technology, and Pelosi's potential visit. The official Chinese post-meeting press release indicated that the two leaders had a frank no nonsense discussion, and China will be pretty upset if Pelosi does visit Taiwan, as it may think the US changing its China-Taiwan policy, which will have long term consequences on the US-China diplomatic relationship.
They discussed Ukraine, Russia, stop stealing US technology, and Pelosi's potential visit. The official Chinese post-meeting press release indicated that the two leaders had a frank no nonsense discussion, and China will be pretty upset if Pelosi does visit Taiwan, as it may think the US changing its China-Taiwan policy, which will have long term consequences on the US-China diplomatic relationship.
pride49 · 31-35, M
Bidins opinion on whinnie the Pooh? Giving the communist a pep talk maybe?
Bang5luts · M
No Biden was probably telling the Chinese president to get the booster and all the immigration lol 😆