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Gender Transition problems

Research On Children ‘Growing Out’ Of Gender Dysphoria Adds Layer Of Complexity To Transgender Care
Although research shows that up to 94 percent of children will "grow out" of their transgender identity, advocates say that those studies were flawed in the first place and shouldn't dictate how doctors care for young children who want to socially transition.

This should be enough, for anyone that believes children should be transitioned young.

94% seems high, as I have seen stats as low as 70% But even if it were 50%, wouldn't
that make you think about the ramifications?
DogMan · 61-69, M
Who in their right mind would transition a child, when they will most likely out grow it?
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@DogMan What do you think transitioning a child looks like and how old are these children? Like what do you think is actually happening?
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Adrift · 61-69, F
I watched a thing about people who are now de-trasitioning and they are saying that their lives are now ruined because of this.
Early menopause, osteoporosis are just a couple of the things not to mention the fact that they say that their genitals have been mutilated to the point to where they will never be able to have a normal sex life.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@Adrift What the hell is wrong with people? It's bad enough that we are paying for
convicted male murderers, to get a sex change and go to a female prison.
My personal opinion. Lots of long term health issues manifest themselves later on. If people really want to transition, they need to fully understand the risks and be old enough (at least 18) to make that decision. In the event someone chooses to defy biology - which is a choice people can make - then they do it on their dime. Leave the tax payer out of it.
I do not favor transitioning children young. I couldn't set an exact age, but it would be in the later teens.

That said, the fact that we're having this conversation says that we agree transgender is a real thing, and there are some people who are better off transitioning when they're old enough.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues Yes, that is fine. When they are old enough to make all their own decisions.

The problem is that it seems many kids now days, do not really grow up as fast as in the past.

Many do, but many don't. I wanted to go in the military after I graduated HS, but I was 17.
My parents had to sign for me, but I was able to make the decision.
sree251 · 41-45, M
I do not favor transitioning children young. I couldn't set an exact age, but it would be in the later teens.

You do not favor? Since when did the US Constitution empower you to mess around with the human body?
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Again, zero evidence and zero sources.

So zero reason to take anything you say seriously.

And all this to spread the lie that people are performing surgery on kids to justify taking away bodily autonomy.

And you want rules that only apply to others.

I am guessing you are not volunteering to let others make decisions about your medical health based on their feelings.
Adrift · 61-69, F
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow https://www.military.com/join-armed-forces/join-the-military-basic-eligi
BTW, my husband was in the military.

How did we get gender transition without parental consent to risk of IEDs?
Unless your kid is going to school with pipe bombs shoved down his pants, I think we all good.
@Adrift You made it sound like joining the military is like going into the peace corp or higher education.

Seems you are ok with 17 year old going to kill people or get blown up but god forbid they decide they want to be called Susan instead of Samuel.
Adrift · 61-69, F
Learninglife9 · 61-69, F
Wow - children children CHILDREN..... YOUNG CHILDREN ....... Those who don't see a problem with those words in that type of situation has a mental disabled mind.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
gonna link the research?
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DogMan · 61-69, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow You really do not know much about anything, do you?

Get out from behind your screen, and see what life has to offer. It's an amazing world
out there in reality. I know you have nothing better to do, than pretend to know things
that you know nothing about. Enjoy your little rabbit hole.
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@DogMan Still spreading Jordan Peterson's debunked lies I see.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow You obviously know nothing about Jordan Peterson.

Someone has told you to hate him, and you followed the narrative that others gave you.

He was a life long Democrat until you far left radicals took over the once great Democrat
@DogMan Actually I do and I know about the laws he lied about, and that he lied about his dismissal.

And no. I am not like you that is led around by the nose like a pet dog.

And by claiming Democrats are far left again you show off your lack of even bare minimum education.
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