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The FBI says foreigners are trying to attack our power grid

Also our infrastructure. Are you ready to be without power for an extended period
of time?

I am on a well, so when I lose power, I also lose water. No CNG either.

What would happen if the gas stations didn't have power to pump fuel?

Does anyone else think about the ramifications of an attack on our power grid
and infrastructure? It not a far fetched idea, or conspiracy theory.

Our grocery stores would be emptied in a couple days, without pumping fuel,
everything would stop.

Are you ready for it?
Never forget…Biden gave Putin a list of 16 U.S. critical infrastructures that were “‘off limits”. No doubt that list went far and wide..,
@Pitchblue Google it. You may be surprised.
@soar2newhighs No link I see.
@Pitchblue I did not put up a link. Trust me, it’s on the internet.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I’d be more worried about an EMP attack in Kansas City .
Learninglife9 · 61-69, F
In today's world only a handful maybe are prepared for it, but only for a brief period - look at what happens in a flood - a hurricane - a tornado.

Lost are the old ways of surviving and with the 300 plus million people in this country it wouldn't be enough animals anyway or naturally wild growing edible vegetation anyway.
carpediem · 61-69, M
could happen
most wouldnt have food, gas, clothes, etc. if it werent for truckers. go in your house and tell me what in your house wasnt on a truck at some point an time.
AbbySvenz · F
To say nothing of the white-supremacist plots foiled on the east and west coasts over the past few years.
well theyve let enough of them in to make it probable...
Musicman · 61-69, M
A lot of the gas stations here have a generator. We do at home too. Vote Kamala and the Democrats out. We never had these problems under Trump or any other President.
Remember all of the number of power substations shot at just about several years ago? They sure quieted up on those events quickly.
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