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Should America take in all of the impoverished people in the world?

How many would be too many? Some people believe that certain peoples would go
extinct we we did not help them. But we know that there are people in the world that
cannot survive on their own. Should we colonize those countries, and take over, for
the good of the people? Or bring them all to the U.S? and put them them on our
welfare program?
akindheart · 61-69, F
no and no. we are already full. There is no room or resources to house all the impoverished. plus that brings the unwanted criminals. let them solve their own problems or ask for guidance.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@akindheart I agree, but it looks as though it will not stop. Millions are coming in each
year, and no one is talking about how many, are too many. I believe the plan is to
overwhelm our systems, until we break. The mega rich, and powerful politicians will
figure it out after it is too late. I would hate to be young. 😉
PatKirby · M
It's all in the math...

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SSDecontrol · 56-60, M
BritishFailedAesthetic · M
@SSDecontrol "SS" is very fitting for your username

You so clever. As well as snide and uber passive-aggressive (always a very virile feature on a guy)
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Question, are you helping any of them?
Why yes, yes I am. I'm currently in Nairobi doing a six-month teaching stint in the Kibera slums.
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@SSDecontrol "SS" is very fitting for your username.

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