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How long before the U.S. is bankrupt?

The interest alone is costing us close to 1 Trillion dollars.

I'm starting to believe it is all a house of cards.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
The super wealthy and corporations should be required to do their patriotic duty and pay their fair of taxes. Here are some good ideas for increasing federal revenue:

1. Congress should outlaw off-shore tax havens. Corporations and wealthy individuals stash their money in these tax havens, out of the U.S. economy.
2. The philanthropy laws need to be completely re-written; they are just a huge tax dodge for the wealthy.
3. Many corporations pay a much lower percent of income taxes than the average person. They have rigged the tax laws in their favor, so a great deal of their income is declared non-taxable. Let's end that.
4. Congress should pass a small tax on transactions in securities and derivatives. Say 1/4 of 1%. That would bring in a huge amount of revenue.
5. Cut defense spending. Defense spending should be limited to 1.5% of GDP unless Congress passes a declaration of war. Also, we need a annual audit of pentagon spending, with serious penalties for defense contractors who over-charge the tax-payers.
6. Outlaw stock buy-backs.
carpediem · 61-69, M
We can recover. First, become energy independent. Then major energy exporter. We then pull manufacturing back to the US through combined efforts of incentives to producers and tariffs.

We stop wasting money on stupid woke nonsense, end illegal immigration, work towards reducing the dependency on government, and make sure the corporate tax rates don't drive manufacturing away again.

If we can accomplish that, the debt will start to come under control. The country itself will stabilize. And we'll be living a much better life.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@carpediem Great answer! I believe you are right on the money, literally.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@DogMan Thanks. I believe it. And there's only one candidate that has ever come close to this type of a platform. And it's not Kackling Kamala
boudinMan · 61-69, M
@carpediem the dims will never agree to end illegal immigration, become a major energy exporter, or work towards reducing dependency on government. therefore, they should be beat into submission.
sree251 · 41-45, M
It is a house of cards and we are shoring it up with our military. We need to be sole superpower to keep the US viable by forcing the world to use the US Dollar as the reserve currency. We have been the only casino in town and we need to keep it that way. Any nation that is not with us is a threat against us. The house always win no matter how other nations roll the dice. We just print more money to keep the game going.

This is why China and Russia are threats. China is the highest roller in the house, and is capable of setting up another casino. China also packs heat, nuclear heat, and so does Russia.

The US Government has no option. It has worked itself into a corner: go bankrupt or take out Russia and China. Both outcomes would destroy American lives.

As an American, what is your option? Trump doesn't want war. Does he really have the art of the deal to get us out of this mess?
All that has to happen is for the US dollar to be stripped of its world reserve currency status. It could happen at any time.
Then we separate the men from the boys for real.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@NoThanksLeon Are you serious? The bulk of that national debt of $31 trillion is not owed to China, Japan, EU and other foreign countries. They hold only 24% of that debt. The rest is owed to Americans: social security, 401k, trust funds, pension funds, anyone holding US treasuries and that includes Warren Buffet and me.

I think we need to separate the men from the women. Kamala Harris can't hack it. We need a businessman to fix this. We need Trump.
DogMan · 61-69, M
@sree251 Yep, Trump is the only one that doesn't need to enrich himself.

I truly believe that he wants to do good things, and be known for doing good
things for everyone.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Yep, Trump is the only one that doesn't need to enrich himself.

Trump has proven himself. Thanks to the woke left for forcing him to run the gauntlet including trying to kill him. A crooked politician would have given up. I hope he doesn't cave to the demands of his donors.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
I guess it depends on how you define "bankrupt". Some would say we already are.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
You can not cut expenditures enough to balance the budget and pay off the national debt. Some of the debt is to ourselves, but some has come from two big tax cuts, one during bush, the other Trump. They cut taxes and increased spending!
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
I don't think the US will pay back
sree251 · 41-45, M
@TheRascallyOne The US can't pay back. We need the art of the deal to get out of this mess. Trump has survived multiple bankruptcies. He can get America out of this.
@TheRascallyOne gee I wonder how many nations paid the USA back when they fed them to keep them alive? Hmmmm
We will go down. It’s not if.. but when!
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