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My husband has officially been (forcefully) recruited to the army

This has been the most surreal day of my life. A couple of hours ago, I was the happiest person in the world – my husband's mother has been visiting for 3 weeks, and this morning, she told us that she wants to pay off our debt. We owed an impossible amount of money, in the form of credit, after 2 years of rising prices in Ukraine. We are going to be in debt to her instead, and I think we'll be able to get by now that we won't need to pay interest. I asked my husband to buy us a bottle of wine to celebrate, so he went, and that's when they knocked on my door – we never open for anyone, so I got quiet and looked out the window from our kitchen; I saw my husband walking back with the wine, and for a moment I wondered if should bother saying anything. I figured it might be a neighbor, or someone else insignificant, but in the last second, I opened the window and whispered to him to leave and come back later. When he finally came back, we found a note, and it became clear that they were in fact recruiters. We are moving within 3 days, only bringing our essentials. We have to do this quietly at night. This letter is considered received by the recipient, whether or not they can prove that he received it, which means that they will start to actively look for him now. The recruiters otherwise walk around in the streets, and into shops, to give men the letter – if they can see in their database that the man already received the letter, they will use force as necessary, to bring him to the reqruitment office. Now that he revieved it, they will start to fine him, and it's a matter of time before they find him. I am scared. He says that he is not scared, just annoyed, but I don't believe him.

I have received messages before, on my former (now deleted) posts about this problem in Ukraine, from people who think it's my husband's duty to protect his country. It is not. It's the army's duty, and my husband is just a simple man, with severe social anxiety, who spent his life playing video games. The recruiters kidnap 18 year old children in the streets, give them a month of military training/drinking vodka in the barracks, and send them to the frontlines. The Ukrainian army is under immense pressure, and it is a lottery where you end up, once forcefully recruited. It is nothing like when American people serve willfully, in a controlled environment, in other countries' wars – the recruiters here are underhanded and violent, the military training is a sham, and Ukraine is vastly outnumbered in this war. Please understand. ♥

In case anyone thinks he can leave the country, he can not. I wish is was so simple, but Ukrainian men are not allowed to leave the country.

I write about my problems online because I'm incapable of repressing them, and talking – or writing – about them, is the only thing which helps me stay sane. Please do reply if you feel like it, whoever you are. I am not from Ukraine, I'm from Scandinavia, and my nerves have been tested since the day I arrived here, in 2018. As (almost) always, I wish you all a wonderful day. 🌻
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Fable · 31-35, F
@OogieBoogie I don't understand those people at all, I think they must be filled with hatred and spite, for reasons that have nothing to do with me... This whole thing is super stressful, but we're ok. I hope every day to hear that the war has suddenly ended. 😬

Thank you so much for your compassion and kind words ♥
@Fable i can't even imagine what its all like so far away in my safe little life.

And yes, their lack of empathy is ASTOUNDING! ....Wallowing in their protected lives, as if they'd jump to be conscripted into such chaotic and dangerous situation🙄- bullshit they would!

I hope you find a safe place to live quietly.

Good luck💜💚
Fable · 31-35, F
@OogieBoogie I only know that some alcoholics and drug users who had already given up on life, chose by their free will to join the army here. That's because being an alcoholic or junkie in Ukraine is so bad that they will have a better time in the army, because at least they will get fed there. It only makes sense for the people who would die soon from their conditions either way. 😔

Thank you 🌻🌻🌻 🫶🏻

I am really sorry about the situation you and your husband are in. But it's a bad practice to forcefully bring someone into recruitment of army service. Also I feel bad about the situation where people live in war situations. May things sort out soon and good things happens soon. 🙏

Keep writing.
@Fable I believe you. Yes many reasons and health is also important. I will keep updating about my journey. Your kind words helps alot. Take care of yourself. 🤗
Fable · 31-35, F
@littlepuppywantanewlife Thank you, and you too, I love to hear about how well you're doing from time to time. I even told my husband about you (nothing personal, just that you are someone who stays sober, that I write with from time to time).
@Fable Always welcome. I love reading from you too. 🙂
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
It's called being drafted and happens in pretty much every nation at war. War is neither humane nor fair. And American people in time of a major war have always been drafted.
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@ChipmunkErnie do you enjoy being awful to people?

How hurtful do you need to be ffs?😡
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
Yes, it's terrible that the russian barbarians brutally invaded the sovereign democracy of Ukraine 10 years ago and have now chosen to escalate their war by murdering Ukraine's men, women, children, and babies.

As you are Scandinavian you will understand why none of russia's neighbours trust (or even like) that terrible country.

Soon, with russia's collapse, the people of Ukraine will be able to return to normal life without the terrorist threat hanging over them, and they will be welcomed into the European community of nations.
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Gibbon · 70-79, M
Believe me us older Americans know exactly how you feel. We had the draft until 1973. I had to register in fear one year almost to the day before it ended. Fortunately I wasn't called.
Fable · 31-35, F
@Gibbon I'm not even in my own country, I will have to leave if they catch him, and I would be homeless in my country then, until finding work, and I guess I epuld have to put doen my dog and cat. All that, and my husband will probably die, because everyone dies in this war since Ukraine is outnumbered.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@Fable I'm so sorry and have no helpful words. I was reading the replies from the past 2 days and can't believe the lack of empathy by some for an innocent civilian caught in the middle of all this. And you may disagree but I don't have the same feelings for those in gaza because they are in a situation all of them are guilty of putting themselves in.
I can only pray for you and hope fate finds an unexpected out for you.
Fable · 31-35, F
@Gibbon You are so kind, and it is always helpful to receive kindness in a stressful situation. ♥ I think in any war, there are many innocent people who get hurt. 😔
being · 36-40, F
I wish that your plan work out. Take care, keep close and safe ❤
Fable · 31-35, F
@being Thank you. 🫶🏻 ✨

We don't have any plans, we just have to quickly move, as that's the only thing we can do in this situation, and what everyone is doing right now.
being · 36-40, F
@Fable then do that... Good luck..🤍🦢🌻
MellyMel22 · F
I’m sorry you’re going through that.
Fable · 31-35, F
@MellyMel22 Thank you. How are you doing? 🌻
MellyMel22 · F
@Fable Not great, but I’m hoping soon things will change.
Fable · 31-35, F
@MellyMel22 I'll DM you ♥
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Wishing you all the best!
Fable · 31-35, F
@Quimliqer Thank you.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
I don't know if this is helpful but I seen people breaking their legs so the couldn't be drafted...or fake break his legs. Im sorry you are going through this 🫂
Fable · 31-35, F
@SkeetSkeet Yeah, here you still get drafted if your legs are broken, in fact they draft people who are so sick that they die on their way to the barracks... The army keeps saying that they are dying from epilepsy. 😅

Thank you, it's okay, it's just so crazy to have to leave all our stuff like this, not knowing when we can even come back to this apartment...
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I am so sorry this happened to you and your husband. I honestly can’t imagine living in Canada.

I wish you both well 🩷.
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Fable · 31-35, F
@HobNoblin It is one thing to troll in many cases, but this comment is plain loathsome.
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
@Fable You support Zelensky the money launderer?
@HobNoblin one will hurt and feel scared - and someone will treat you like you just treated Fable.

You're cruel 😶
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