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Here is a bit about the package supposedly going to Ukraine.I saw where it says cluster bombs are part of the deal. I also
Saw where it says cluster bombs are prohibited.
Then there was the faux pas of what is considered election interference on a partisan basis when Zelensky visited a munitions factory in PA.
As a result, speaker Johnson wants Ukraine’s ambassador sent back home as he apparently got this visit done.
Now all this was before Zelensky spoke with Trump.
Talk about interesting times!
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Reason10 · 70-79, M
@soar2newhighs You know TRUMP never would have done that.
@Reason10 Ifin’t know what Trump would have done or not done. I had heard that cluster bombs are forbidden and so I posted what I did- that cluster bombs were forbidden.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
The United States has been giving its weapons and supplies to countries all over the globe for the precise reason of those countries being able to attack other.
Barak Saddam Hussein Obama pulled the US military out of Iraq, leaving behind billions of dollars of military hardware, which went right to ISIS. Unelected Joe Biden pulled the military out of Afghanistan, leaving billions of dollars of military hardware to the TALIBAN.
I think we'd be better off with competent Republican presidents who at least think to bring HOME the hardware when we're finished with the mission.
Barak Saddam Hussein Obama pulled the US military out of Iraq, leaving behind billions of dollars of military hardware, which went right to ISIS. Unelected Joe Biden pulled the military out of Afghanistan, leaving billions of dollars of military hardware to the TALIBAN.
I think we'd be better off with competent Republican presidents who at least think to bring HOME the hardware when we're finished with the mission.
hlpflwthat · M
Why else would they want them?
That could be a very dangerous move. Hopefully after talking with Trump, Zelensky is re considering his war with Russia.
Reason10 · 70-79, M
@soar2newhighs Trump will straighten all this out. He'll get both countries to the table to work out their problems. Had he been president in the 50s, there never would have been a Korean War. Had he been president in the Sixties, there never would have been a Vietnam War.
@Reason10 I hope you’re right . In the meantime IMO we’re inching closer snd closer to the possibility of a third world war.
I’m just speculating, but now that Trump and Zelensky met, things might start hopefully to de escalate.
IM5688 · 61-69, M
@soar2newhighs It's possible, but remember Zelensky was supporting Biden and now supports Harris. Zelensky knows that if Trump wins the election, the money from the US will soon come to an end.
@IM5688 Sure…the Biden administration fulfilled his needs for funding which is not really bring effective, otherwise the latest aid package wouldn’t be going to Ukraine.
BizSuitStacy · M
That would work out about as well as trying to put out a fire with gasoline.
candycane · 31-35, F
Ukraine already using them
@candycane Not to be contentious but there were some missiles which Biden apparently had to permit their use by Ukraine to strike into Russia.
And if not mistaken these were the ones that Putin considered if used, an act of war by the U.S. as they were U.S. weapons given to Ukraine and part of a linked satellite system for targeting purposes.
If they are and have been used to strike into Russia; why no retaliation by Putin. Again if these are the ones you say are already used. Thanks.
And if not mistaken these were the ones that Putin considered if used, an act of war by the U.S. as they were U.S. weapons given to Ukraine and part of a linked satellite system for targeting purposes.
If they are and have been used to strike into Russia; why no retaliation by Putin. Again if these are the ones you say are already used. Thanks.