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I love peaceful protesting and all, I think it makes me feel better

But I'm the type of person who would appreciate active activism as well. Things like disrupting ICE raids, maybe not violently but more being as annoying as possible. Pooling money together for lawyers for random immigrants that may need legal resources. Reporting ICE whenever you see them.

Things like people all together actively not spending money but holding onto it like the Latino Freeze Movements but for everyone. I mean I know that we have to spend on some things but if you can figure out what makes a dent in very specific areas of the US rich population, then do that.

Actively trying to sabotage our work places, not to the point of doing any harm to anyone but slowing things down purposefully, hitting businesses who roll back their DEI policies by bankrupting them somehow. And I'm not saying the type of sabotage that they'd know it was you either but passively doing what you can to hurt them.

Community organizing thru underground communications maybe by radio and more community policing of neighborhoods to keep cops in check ✔

That sort of thing I'd appreciate, I want things that make a purposeful dent.
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Hmm, ICE raids, I've been thinking about them too. Last week in the news it was reported that ICE had detained an American citizen, a veteran no less, without a warrant and without probable cause, and that's illegal.

Seems this veteran was caught up in an ICE sweep and deprived of his rights. Now imagine if other citizens who happened to look and dress a certain way were collected in similar sweeps. Imagine the lawsuits, imagine the internal reprimands going up the chain of command. The Tяump approach has been to suspend the presumption of innocence in ICE raids. A few citizens among the detainees might restore that presumption.

SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@ElwoodBlues not that I want USK citizens to be locked up but the right to representation would slow down deportations and if you think about it, would provide people the benefit of a lawyer because I couldn't imagine Trump's no representation thing lasting if they keep arresting people like veterans.

I honestly think as it goes on, more people are going to get caught up in it.

I was mistaken for Latina once, I do my makeup very specific sometimes because when I was little, I listened to a lot of Spanish music and would do my makeup like the women. I forgot what place it was but the women have a very specific eye style from some region I forgot. And when I was trying to practice makeup it's the only reference I had so that's what I did 😂

Well at Subway once, a lady turned around and spoke Spanish to me, when I looked at her as if I didn't have a clue she was surprised. She thought I spoke Spanish because of my look and apologized. I told her not to apologize cos I didn't take any offense really. I was even a little surprised lol.

But the point I'm making is that if I learned Spanish and just did my makeup how I normally do, I could see me getting arrested by ICE just because of that.

And I could see them trying to figure out where I was born and denying my rights to representation. I could easily see it.

I think back on that and if I had my makeup on, spoke Spanish and ICE was around, I'm willing to bet I'd be picked up. Especially if I naturally got nervous seeing fascists and ran from them.
missyann · 56-60
I want Congress to come up with a realistic and efficient way to help And protect LEGAL IMMIGRANTS WHO WANT TO BECOME CITIZENS. But those who are here illegally have absolutely NO right to our tax dollars for legal protection until our military veterans have EVERYTHING they need like housing medical care food. Once they are taken care of then we can look at helping those who are not citizens

Helping American citizens first is why President Trump is signing all of these executive orders I am not saying that no one can donate their personal resources to help immigrants. There are many people and churches who do. There are organizations who accept donations, I just don’t believe our tax money should be going to fund these organizations.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@missyann what exclusive rights are they given that you aren't?

But unless an employer or a business says we are discriminating against you, because you’re a trans, gay or minority there is no proof

So there shouldn't be discrimination laws and employees should have no course of action to take against employers who do them wrong? That's crazy to me. There's always been anti discrimination laws for all sorts of people even you so it's weird to me that you don't think employees generally don't need to have any protection from corrupt institutions.

That's such an odd hill to die on if I'm being honest.
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That’s the type of strategy that Canada used when it targeted its planned tariffs to the Red states. By being selective in your tactics, you can have much more impact for the same amount of effort.
Good evening, Sending love and positive energy your way 💖, I hope you have a nice evening and a peaceful rest.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
I agree. At this point I think we need a combination of peaceful demonstrations and that other stuff.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
People need to get guns and stop being libs and Dems.

I have more respect for the right than I do for libs and centrists at this point.

At least the right stands for something. You know what they are about.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@GeistInTheMachine I admit you almost had me going lol
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
@SatanBurger Sorry, I get in dark moods.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@GeistInTheMachine It's alright, at least you're honest about it
Entwistle · 56-60, M
Generally speaking peaceful protests achieve very little tbh. That's why they are allowed.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@pentagrammom Are you ill?
@Entwistle very healthy, yourself? Could you please specify which definition of the word Ill you were inquiring about?
Entwistle · 56-60, M
@pentagrammom Are you suffering some kind of mental illness?
markinkansas · 61-69, M
taking your cell phone and recording it . it would help to show the shit going on. you need to be ready for when that happens tho.. best to ya
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@markinkansas I've thought about cameras actually. I likely would have a hidden camera if I ever spotted ICE cos I would want to get closer to see what they're up to. So far I haven't seen them but they been driving in regular cars and a few people recorded them in civilian clothes. On Facebook, ICE agents had their official clothes halfway hidden under civilian clothing and were driving normal looking cars. So they're trying to be real slick with it.

They know they're breaking the Constitution that's why, if authority has to hide, they're guilty period.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@markinkansas I did take down the number of an agency where you can report ICE sightings too. I got it in my phone just in case
PalteseMalconFunch · 36-40, T
Peaceful protesting rarely accomplishes anything
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
The hilarious thing is that everything outrageous that the orange traitor is doing other Presidents have done in the past. He is really not doing anything new.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@missyann Being smart financially doesn't make you qualified for high level government jobs.
missyann · 56-60
@SatanBurger Not one Democrat, has proven qualified the past four years. There are definitely non-qualified today. I’m glad President Trump took the chance with.Musk He is a win🇺🇸🇺🇸
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@missyann Lol how's the price of eggs and food 🤡

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