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LeopoldBloom · M
Back then, a “communist” was anyone to the left of Jefferson Davis. MLK never advocated for the abolition of private property.
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
@LeopoldBloom the poor people's march on Washington wasn't a communist movement because there's a brutality in the USA that kills danything communist. It wasn't and you use violence to make that what we say.
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
No, liars made the center your only politics. People calling themselves "neo liberal", promote the idea that peace and reason come from the center. Nothing could be more untrue. Centrism is the mask of aggressive corporatists.
King died for being a leftist and a leader. Americans don't need to have a left and practically none of them know a single coherent thing about politics.
King died for being a leftist and a leader. Americans don't need to have a left and practically none of them know a single coherent thing about politics.
BohemianBabe · M
MLK was also demonized for causing riots, even though the majority of his protests were peaceful.
Basically, everything the Right says about current civil rights movements, they originally said about MLK.
Basically, everything the Right says about current civil rights movements, they originally said about MLK.
Guitarman123 · 31-35, M
@badminton marxist communism advocated for labour rights and was anti capitalist. MLK was also influenced by erich fromm
BohemianBabe · M
@badminton Just goes to show you that the Right recycles the same arguments over and over. Less than a decade since America fought Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, the American Right was claiming that MLK was a Marxist trying to use Communism to destroy America.
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