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American History Lesson

Do you know what political party Thomas Jefferson and James Madison founded and belonged to? No fair Googling.

Answer provided after someone makes a guess.
They founded the Democrat-Republican party, which favored a weaker federal government, as opposed to the Federalist party of George Washington and John Adams which favored a stronger federal government.

However, no inference should be made from the party's name. It was not a combination of anything resembling the modern Democratic and Republican parties, nor does it "prove" that we have a uniparty system in the U.S. The disputes back then were completely different from the ones today.
Northwest · M
I asked the question to make the point that the labels we use now, and the venom with which we throw them and ugly derivations of them around as the election, have changed the meaning of the words that our Founders used.

Our "Founding Fathers", for the most part, were bigots, expansionists, racists, misogynists and even at time, genocidal.

There are no useful learnings from their political belonging 250 years ago, other than it's really great we're not living these 250 years ago principles.

PS: yes, for the most part, they were brilliant people.
@Northwest Thank you. The Founders did own human beings, as I was taught, so I don’t think I’d have liked them, either.
I suspect the MAGAs would take us back to those days if they could arrange it, several have already tried to justify slavery as it originally existed here. 🙁
PowerofStories · 61-69, M
@ LeopoldBloom. Correct. I think at the time it was referred to as the Democratic-Republican Party. And in addition to what you wrote, it also championed liberalism.

I asked the question to make the point that the labels we use now, and the venom with which we throw them and ugly derivations of them around as the election, have changed the meaning of the words that our Founders used.

When this election is done, we are going to need each other to provide goods and services to one another, teach our kids, care for our elderly relatives, repair our streets, build our data centers and support and comfort each other, regardless of Party affiliation.

It would be nice if we tried to remember this along the way and treat each other with decency and humanity.
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
Democratic-Republican, but it was basically the name for the anti-federalists. The two major parties formed out of the debate over the constitution. The Bill of Rights was added kind of as a compromise so the anti-federalists would agree to adopt the constitution. So I guess thank God for these guys or we might not be able to say what we want, own a gun, be forced to testify in a case against us, etc.
Andrew7Jackson · 61-69, M
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SJones48 · 41-45, M
Democratic Republican
Musicman · 61-69, M
The wig's?
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