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No, the Government Can't Create Hurricanes

Obviously. I really don't understand why people believe they can. Why are so many so gullible? Anyway, here's the clip. It's worth watching, even though it goes for much longer than most people's attention spans.

Gibbon · 70-79, M
Bare with me because we may or may not be politically aligned but it doesn't matter.
Marjorie Taylor Green (MTG), who is shamefully a part of my party, opened her obnoxious mouth on the floor of Representatives claiming the Democrats were controlling the weather.
She and all like her are complete and total nut cases to believe anyone is capable of controlling the weather.
There have been some small successes seeding clouds and producing a little rain but that's it.


BTW she is a conspiracy theorist on many things. Total wack job.
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
They can’t control the weather but they signed a treaty and accord to not use weapons that control the weather against other nations… explain that part first and maybe more people will believe you..
Govt. . I don't know
Scientifically, yes...

Didn't you see the flood in dubai
@Bellatrix2024 seriously?
Dubai ones weren't natural. You might wanna check it out and read the statement
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25, F
@Royricky09 Look, we can't - can NOT - control the weather. Hell, we can't even predict what it may do from day to day!
We're not that clever, and we don't have the technology to do this. This is pure science fiction.
Did you watch the video? He explains everything, and so I shouldn't have to repeat what he says here.
@Bellatrix2024 wow so nieve
That's just what they want you to think. Woke.
DocSavage · M
Quick, put on you foil hat, they’re watching !
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