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What percentage do you think all this drone stuff is our own Government doing something fishy?

Poll - Total Votes: 29
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75 percent
50 percent
Pass the bong
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They seem unconcerned and also say there is nothing to worry about( how would they know that)
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Supposedly, the drones have a wingspan of about 8 feet, and apparently have no heat signature. That's beyond residential and commercial capabilities. So, they're most likely military grade. If these drones were sourced from a hostile nation, they should be shot down. Due to the lack of concern, it's hard to believe the US gov't isn't behind this.

It seems this could be a gov't diversion to distract our attention from something else going on. Or possibly a method of creating public fear prior to the new administration taking over.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
I'd rule out E.T. They wouldn't give a damn (let alone even know about) green and red lights.

I'd rule out foreign adversaries. Chinese balloons were one thing. Drones we can easily track on radar, knowing direction, altitude, speed, etc.

That leaves nothing else left but us. The question is why? And that's the concern. Does it have something to do with what we suspect Russia in planning (in Europe) or China (in the Pacific)?

Or are we testing new technology? But why over populated areas where our foreign adversaries can learn from our tests? I don't think Trump will give us a answer (or at least not a truthful one) in January, either. I suspect he's already been read into what the real answer is.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Actually, Trump mentioned the other day that the drones should be "shot down."

But nothing negative about Trump should be construed in my initial comment.

As the president-elect, I'd be surprised if Trump hasn't been read into what really is going on with the dones. If he hasn't been read in, he should be read in.
@beckyromero I'm sure he's keeping up with X, Truth Social and Fox.

But read?
beckyromero · 36-40, F


"read in"

Meaning someone read to him the details.
seaglass · F
I honestly keep forgetting to care, lol
Morvoren · F
It’s probably just a practice run for some public thing.

People were freaking about drones here and all it was, was practice for the New Year’s Eve celebrations.

People need to chill.
I went with the bong since you didn't give a 25 or less percent chance, but I will say this.

There's probably a little more to this one than there is to stuff like the Russian Hoax, the Biden Crime Family, Millions of illegal voters in 2020, Clinton Body Bags, space lasers, weather weapons, criminal migrant hordes, or Trump's sincerity in taking the oath of office.

I've no doubt there's a tiny kernel of truth to all of these things, but in a sane world, they wouldn't get much attention by sober people.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
I think it’s Springsteen.
Livingwell · 61-69, M
I think they are being quiet while they try to get their arms around it.
GovanDUNNY · M
Governments worldwide cover stuff up
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@Livingwell if they were a threat to America, they would have been shot down weeks ago, I’m sure the great big strong country that can attack countries like Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Lebanon, and soon Iran, can sort a few drones out, it’s quite obvious these drones, come from a military base in America,
Livingwell · 61-69, M
@ididntknow People keep saying drones but the military has not identified them. Or shot one down.
I think they're being flown by the RNC. as soon as trump takes office one will be shot down and they will say it's either China or Iran and he will issue a warning. the drones will stop, he'll be looked at as the strongest President and his popularity will soar
@saragoodtimes Sadly, imo, that makes way too much sense.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
Aliens I tell ya
Richard65 · M
I've no idea, but if Kubrick faked the Moon landings, then my money is on Spielberg being behind this....
GovanDUNNY · M
@Richard65 The moon landings were for real, the things left behind are still there.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Even in Australia we do not trust Biden

Do not worry as Biden will give these drones a Presidential pardon
fun4us2b · M
Rumors that GOV is looking for misplaced nuclear warhead....that sounds a little crazy...but maybe they are looking for something else...
craig7 · 70-79, M
Clearly the authorities know far more about this phenomenon than they are willing or able to reveal.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M

yankee problems...

those drones wouldn't last 30 minutes in the south, every redneck within line of sight would be blastin' it with .300 win mags, and 30-06's...🤔
robb65 · 56-60, M
@wildbill83 Lets take one down and see who shows up to claim it.
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