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is Trump not going to win the election

i'm a Trump supporter, and i saw a girl on sw comment that Trumps not doing well against kamala...indicating that Trump is going to lose the election....surely this can't be? Trump has to win for the sake of america...if americans elect kamala into power they are voting for their own destruction i tell you now.
You guys (and especially tRump) predicted America's destruction if Biden won in 2020. Obviously that prediction was dead wrong, and we have every reason to believe your prediction is dead wrong too.

What reasons? I am SO glad you asked!!

For the first time in literally GENERATIONS, real wages are growing for the lower quintile of US workers. And they're growing FASTER under Biden than they did under Obama or Trump. For the first time in GENERATIONS, the lower half of workers are sharing in our economic growth!

There are more than 5,000,000 (FIVE MILLION) more people employed now than during the peak under Trump. Just read the graph.

And the number unemployed is historically low!

Inflation? The pandemic deflation was followed by worldwide inflation; that is now gone.

I'm gonna argue that the most important economic stat involves employment/unemployment. Interesting how unemployment almost always increases under republicans, isn't it?

GDP growth red vs blue
pdockal · 56-60, M

Unfortunately your missing the point
Unfortunately you believe under propaganda

I had to withholding so i wouldn't owe @ tax time even though my wages are stagnant
Why ??? Taxes have increased ????
I've shown how much goods & services have increased but you say yippie for the administration as wages are going up
States have helped haven't they because correct me of I'm wrong federal minimum wage hasn't increased
The last administration has to deal with COVID (or did you forget) and my paycheck went further
Did this administration use funds for disasters to fund the illegsls entering our open boarders because i believe they are offering people a pittence after the hurricane because they say they don't have funds WHICH IS FUCKING WRONG no matter how you try to spin & justify it

They need to concentrate on Americans and not ANYBODY ELSE

stick that in your fucking pipe and smoke it
@pdockal says
The last administration has to deal with COVID
The last admin disbanded Obama's cabinet level pandemic response team, then BADLY BOTCHED our Covid response, including lying about the dangers of Covid and muzzling our CDC.

All through Trump's term, our Covid per capita death rate was DOUBLE that of countries like Canada & Germany, resulting in about 550,000 Covid deaths under Trump.

If Trump had handled Covid as well as, say, Justin Trudeau, we'd have had 275,000 FEWER DEATHS! Put another way, Trump's mis-management of Covid cost more deaths than THREE Viet Nam wars!! Three Viet Nams in a SINGLE YEAR, not spread out over ten years like the actual war!!!

Sure, Covid came from outside. And different leaders in different countries managed it differently. Trump's piss-poor Covid management is made clear by the relative per capita death rates.

"I look at it this way," Birx told CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta. "The first time, we have an excuse. There were about 100,000 deaths that came from that original surge. All of the rest of them, in my mind, could have been mitigated or decreased substantially."

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Carla · 61-69, F
Explain how we will be destroyed. Without using the words communist, socialist, marxist or fascist.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
I understand you’re impervious to logic, but he said that four years ago, too. In fact, it’s pretty much all he is capable of saying.
ilikeitlikethat23 · 61-69, M
Scare tactics are BS, just like when the Republicans said if we elect Obama he will institute Muslim law, yeah right.
Like2play · M
How is that?
Carla · 61-69, F
@Like2play good luck.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
I hope he doesn't.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
We shall see.
If he wins people will make more money. And you can take that to the bank. ☺ 💰
ilikeitlikethat23 · 61-69, M
@Zonuss if you are in the stock market how can you not be making money?
Zonuss · 41-45, M
@ilikeitlikethat23 Im talking about middle class people here.
ilikeitlikethat23 · 61-69, M
@Zonuss are you presuming that the middle class have no investments? Retirement accounts 401 and 403b accounts, college 529's for their children, or grandchildren in my case. Those are some examples of middle class investments. I consider myself middle class, have been working for 51 years, retirement next month.
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