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Trump Bronx Rally - Dems know the floor is crumbling beneath their socked and sandaled feet

NY Governor calls Trump supporters “clowns”? Even though CNN and MSNBC say that’s fine her political career is over. Hochul has won her last election.

Well , maybe she should be out of office. Some Trump supporters may look funny, but they're not something to laugh at, even in small numbers.

PS-Clowns have scared me since I was a kid and saw Jimmy Stewart.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Certainly not a Romney RINO. Voters like me can’t be labeled yet lefties fruitlessly try. @MistyCee
@jackjjackson There was a time when it seemed like the left was obsessed with labels.

These days though, labels and nicknames seem to be really popular even though they're really straining the English language, claiming that anyone whose not kissing Trump's feet is worthy of some moniker.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
It’s reasonable for ANYONE to vote for Trump if the won’t and can’t vote for Biden. THAT is not a justifiable reason for those ANYONES to be attacked and name called. @MistyCee
Dino11 · M
Trump will be your next President.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Wrong. If and when you are able to cobble together a coherent response to my last substantive comment I may review and respond. @LeopoldBloom
@jackjjackson I will as soon as you make a substantive comment.

Gabbard's maximum support nationally was 5% in 2020. Most of this was from older conservative men like you. She literally left the Democratic party because she had no support from actual Democratic voters. I know, "she didn't leave the party, the party left her."

This is the cult Gabbard was raised in.


This is about Gabbard's connection to the cult.


I actually hope Trump picks her as his VP as that will guarantee a Biden landslide. He might be the first candidate to win every state since James Monroe in 1820.
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@MarmeeMarch and she made a huge stink about Trump having the nerve to host a rally in her district. 🤣
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Jealous that she couldn’t get ten people to show up. @BizSuitStacy
@MistyCee says
I think HRC probably underestimated the percentage of truly deplorable Trump voters and failed to describe the depths of their depravity.
Sadly, that seems to be too true.

One of the things that's appalling to me is how often swastika bearing folks are tolerated at demonstrations for Trump. It's horrifying that self-described Amerfican patriots SILENTLY ASSENT to Nazis in their midst. Repeatedly.

Again, it's not the several hundred morons wearing Nazi regalia that's upsetting. It's the tens of thousands of self described "patriots" who SILENTLY ASSENT to the Nazis in their midst.
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That's the key thing Dems are offering - they're against Trump.
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
The word you’re searching for is mumbling in Bide’s case. @LeopoldBloom
@jackjjackson At least Biden can get a complete sentence out without nonsense words. At some point, Twitler's dementia will be undeniable. Especially if his handlers can't stop him from debating.
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PatKirby · M

Orange man will toast to that.

jackjjackson · 61-69, M
So will i 🤙🏼🇺🇸 @PatKirby
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Cortez is cashing checks and only caring about Cortez. @MarmeeMarch
PatKirby · M

Android Occasional Cortex's mouth is writing checks that reality can no longer cash.
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Almost? 😂😂😂 @MarmeeMarch

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