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2 Israeli-Argentinian hostages finally rescued

Two elderly hostages Fernando Simon Maran (60) and Louis Har (70) who were kidnapped from Kibbutz, Israel on October 7th were rescued in Rafah during a night time raid. Disguised IDF forces arrived at a apartment building in the heart of Rafah, where Hamas terrorists held the two men on the second floor. IDF breached the building and rescued them safely.

More information about it here:

Wow. Great news. Tbh, I had a feeling that some if not most of the hostages are in Rafah now or have been for some time, I wonder if someone in the area sent a tip to the IDF on where to find the two? Anyway, I hope more are found and rescued.
Northwest · M
Rafah is a refugee camp. 1.4 million Palestinian civilians sought refuge there during the fighting as they had nowhere else to go.

While I'm sure intelligence led to the rescue, this was by no mean a flash, grab and go operation. It was accompanied by strikes, that killed 67 civilians and injured hundreds more.

It is time to end this madness.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@Northwest i won’t poo-poo over the rescue of hostages, but I certainly question the effectiveness of Israeli strategy considering it took 4 months snd destroying 89% of gaza to rescue the first two.
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Puppycat23 · F
@jshm2 Alot of these hostages could be relased by Hamas, but more Palestinian deaths equal more propaganda
Wow, they finally reached hostages and didn't shoot them? 😲
Puppycat23 · F
@NerdyPotato no, because they had intel this time on where the hostages were located.
@Puppycat23 that's a first, but hopefully they'll now also be able to spare Palestinian civilians. I won't hold my breath though.
Puppycat23 · F
@NerdyPotato That and there may be more hostages in that area, so hopefully.
4meAndyou · F
Great news!
I hope the kidnappers got to meet their 72 virgins.
Puppycat23 · F
@NativePortlander1970 I hope they met 72 virgin men

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