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Washington DC at 'tipping point' with border-violating foreigners

Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser called the arrival of some 4,800 foreigners that illegally crossed the southern border a "humanitarian crisis" that had brought her city to a "tipping point".

Foreigners violating US-Mexico border laws has surged to record levels.

Officials in border states have grown increasingly restive over the Biden administration's refusal to manage the crisis.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott - among the most vocal critics of President Joe Biden's border policy - began offering state-funded bus rides to foreigners illegally in the US the federal government released in his state in April.

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey followed suit a month later, saying the voluntary bus rides were necessary because of "little action or assistance from the federal government".

Both officials had lobbied unsuccessfully for the Biden administration to keep in place a policy that allowed border patrol to expel almost all border violators unqualified for asylum.

The Biden administration attempted to end the so-called Title 42 policy, but has been blocked in court. Texas and Arizona have meanwhile dispatched more than 150 buses filled with foreign illegal border crossers to DC's Union Station, which is at the doorstep of the US Capitol.

The massive influx of foreign nationals illegally flooding the country is an enormous financial burden on border state taxpayers.

In letters to the president and his secretary of defence, DC Mayor Bowser, a Democrat, said National Guardsmen must be activated indefinitely to deal with a "crisis that we expect to escalate".

"The volume of arrivals have reached tipping points," she wrote.

"The situation is dire, and we consider this a humanitarian crisis - one that could overwhelm our social support network without immediate and sustained federal intervention."

Governor Ducey said on Twitter: "Mayor Bowser is lamenting 4,000 migrants - Arizona had 43,570 border encounters in June alone."

Texas Senator Ted Cruz said: "If 4000 is a tipping point, what the hell do you call the three & a half million illegal immigrants who've crossed our southern border?"

Some invading foreigners arriving in DC do not stay long in the nation's capital, dispersing to other parts of the US.

Washington DC is one of many Democratic-led jurisdictions around the country that refuse to cooperate with federal immigration law enforcement.
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graphite · 61-69, M
DC is a sanctuary city and should be paying for the buses coming in from Texas and the other border states.
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
Now she's complaining and requests the national guard. Strange how Mayor Bowser wasn't complaining and didn't request any national guard troops last Jan. 6 or when BLM and Antifa were roaming her streets two years ago.
@Barefooter25 Things are good until as Reverend wright said …”when the chickens come home to roost.”
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@Barefooter25 so she can house the national guard but not the immigrants
Budwick · 70-79, M
Washington DC Mayor Muriel Bowser called the arrival of some 4,800 foreigners that illegally crossed the southern border a "humanitarian crisis" that had brought her city to a "tipping point".

Virgo79 · 61-69, M
What happened to their open arms policy?

Must be different when its in their own yard insted of someone else's.
Things are tough when your own wonderful inclusive, tolerance, diversity government policies blow up in your face because you never thought it would land on your doorstep!
MarineBob · 56-60, M
I thought she wanted them, just not in her city
@MarineBob When you’re a politician in a blue state mostly and you tout that you are a sanctuary state and sanctuary cities within, then you’ve opened an immigration Pandora’s box if you will …and you learn that espousing certain things that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside aren’t so when reality hits you in the face.
Mayors Bowser and Adams of NYC are lamenting the bus loads of illegal immigrants now coming into their cities. Things are being made hard by their arrival.
Being democrats they should have long ago gotten the administration’s ear and tried to convince them to handle the border crisis. They didn’t and now they’re complaining and asking for federal help.
The hypocrisy is both of these mayors are in charge of “sanctuary “ cities. What’s their problem?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
If dc doesn't want to support them, send them to a utopia like Venezuela or Cuba
ron122 · 41-45, M
I laugh every time I see Mayer Bozo crying because she has illegals in DC. She supported open borders, now SHE can deal with it.
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
She Deserved it. I hope she don't mind having Illegals staying at her big beautiful House....ah yes now that's the American dream for them.
Ynotisay · M
Interesting. But then there's this.

More than 1.74 million migrants were stopped at the southwest border through June, breaking the record set through all of the last fiscal year with three months still to go in this fiscal year.

In my world I'll take the hard working, family-driven, moral Mexicans and Central Americans escaping violence over any MAGA in the nation. Our country would be so much better off. Always curious though why the major issue of those coming from other parts of the world, you know, the white people who overstay their visas and are here illegally, never get mentioned by real 'muricans. Wonder why that is?
Carissimi · F
Once the famine starts it will get much worse. They will come from across the globe. Thousands upon thousands of starving people.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Sounds like Bowser is developing empathy for border states .
A crisis of their own making
RedBaron · M
Nice copy-paste work, but too long to read. Newsflash: DC is nowhere near the border. What is your major malfunction?
Mindful · 56-60, F
@RedBaron just explain that she he did not think DC was on the border of Mx
boudinMan · 61-69, M
@RedBaron we should call them what they are... illegals.
RedBaron · M
@boudinMan And?
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
Northwest · M
I'm sure at some point, it's going to dawn on you, and the Governors of the states sending them to D.C, that there's not much farm land in D.C.
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