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Please...Someone do Something Soon!!! happened this morning again...At the Highland Park parade this morning a sniper opened fire from the rooftop of a building..and of course it was an automatic weapon...As of now...6 dead....26 injured and taken to hospitals..I know the NRA is a big player as far as far as lobbying goes...but why can't they ban automatic weapons...I would think even the pro gun folks can understand the ban on assault and automatic weapons...Law enforcement and the military are the only 2 groups that should have automatic weapons...I'm glad I'm an old man but I feel for my niece and nephews ...With the ways things are going in the world and especially here in the US I worry about what kind of future they have...Things are getting worse all over But the gun violence in the US needs to come to an end....I know you're going to say...guns don't kill...people do...but it needs to come to an end...Innocent kids are getting killed in the streets for being in the wrong place at the wrong time..or for wearing the wrong color...In Inglewood a section of the are watching TV in their living rooms and getting shot by bullets that come in through the window or right through the wall...It's always rival "street gangs" that kill innocent people because they obviously can't shoot worth a shit and they start these wars and innocent people are getting killed in the process...Something has to be done...Maybe people do kill and not the guns....but for God's sake why do we make it so damn easy to get an automatic or assault rifle in their hands...No one needs them!!!!Stay safe and take care everyone and if you do live in the US...Happy 4th of July!!!
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GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
I ask this question seriously
Do you believe a man who will wantonly murder innocent men women and children would suddenly become a law abiding citizen if all rifles were outlawed?
We have some of the strictest and most progressive gun laws in the nation, especially in Chicago, and still over fifty people were shot here this weekend, and that was before the Highland Park tragedy. More laws don’t make criminals stop being criminals
Really · 80-89, M
@GJOFJ3 Why would you need laws if you can carry a gun?
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
@Really my point which you clearly understand but decide to be a wise ass, making guns illegal will not make murders stop killing people. Here is one of the biggest problems with gun violence in Chicago. It’s against the law for a felon to own or have a gun in their possession. Every day felons get caught committing crimes with guns. They get probation or a suspended sentence and are sent right back out into the community. The law exists but there is little if any consequence for ignoring it. Passing more laws that won’t be enforced is not problem solving, it simply virtue signaling.
Really · 80-89, M
@GJOFJ3 Fair enough. If your point is that more law enforcement is needed, I didn't see you say that.
At this point, I'm convinced Americans just don't care. We all know that the problem is easy access to guns. Either vote for the people who want to crack down on that, or accept that this is just part of living in America.
And before anyone tries to blame this on literally anything else, remember that other countries don't have this problem.
Apparently, it's getting out of control, yet, some dont believe so...
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
@Soossie It's been out of control for a very long time...especially here in Chicago!!
Confined · 56-60, M
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The New York Times


The police have taken into custody a man they identified as a “person of interest” in the mass shooting in Highland Park, Ill.
Monday, July 4, 2022 8:26 PM ET

Chief Lou Jogmen of the Highland Park Police said the person of interest had been spotted in his car by a North Chicago police unit. The officers were led on a brief chase before they were able to stop him and take him into custody, Mr. Jogmen said.
carpediem · 61-69, M
How do you know it was an automatic?
carpediem · 61-69, M
@Nevertooold That’s not the way I read it. But I give you the benefit of the doubt. Let’s see what happens in the coming hours and days
DocSavage · M
Does it matter ? Fact is he killed six people, and hurt a lot of people quickly.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@DocSavage Exactly. And yes, respect for grieving matters. Especially when the events are still unfolding. Anything less is just wrong
Nevertooold · 56-60, M
That's great...I didn't hear that yet..but it was just a matter of time...They had his name...license plates number and the type of car he was driving.. Let's see what comes of this??
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Nevertooold · 56-60, M
@MarmeeMarch Thank God you aren't actually a Senator..obviously politics is more of a concern to you than people getting shot...And if you are a Senator then get you and your cronies in the Senate to get off their collecrtive ass' and make something happen...No one...Biden,although he did just pass a bill making it harder to get guns,Not Trump not Obama..not Clinton or Carter,not either of the bush'es have done anything to curb gun violence!!...The laws have needed to change for a long time and if they had maybe we could save a lot of lives!!!And this guy is still at large!!
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Nevertooold · 56-60, M
@MarmeeMarch Yes...lots of are huge as far as lobbying goes!!!
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
Automatic? You mean semi automatic don't you? Do you know the difference? Sad that anyone would take up arms against another and even more sad that someone was killed by a person with evil intent.
hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
@Nevertooold Agreed the country is falling apart but guns aren't the cause and banning guns is not the solution. Kind of putting a band aide on cancer if you will. The fact is that human life is of no value. You can kill a baby in the womb or a stranger on the street or your lover or your parents or innocent children in their schools using which ever method you choose. Guns are handy but not required. Some guys used a sharp knife to hijack an airplane and fly it into a tall building. Shall we ban sharp knives or airplanes or shall we address the real problem that people think they can kill with impunity. Impunity? Hell they think they are justified!
Lynda70 · F
Maybe I mean semi-automatic...I'm not a gun guy so maybe I did mean semi-automatic...No I don't know the difference but something has to be done
A full-auto is what you would call a machine gun. On squeezing the trigger it continues to discharge rounds until the trigger is released or the magazine is empty. A semi-auto discharges one round each time the trigger is squeezed and automatically inserts the next live round into the breech - unless the magazine is empty of course.

Nevertooold · 56-60, M
@Lynda70 Thank you!!!
ozgirl512 · 31-35, F
Maybe if more people voted and thought about what they were voting for ...
The right thing to do is to disarm, and even begin to phase out the use of force in society, and even the wars.
Conservatives have traditionalist attachment to killing, cops, prison, and wars. So they Force violence on us all.
Republicans, christians, and nonvoters will see to it that no one is going to do anything about it. Insanity
DocSavage · M
They got the bastard !
Caught him in lake Forest,
carpediem · 61-69, M
@DocSavage Good.
Welcome to the USA

@SW-User Only 25 years behind? We're catching up
strongbow · 46-50, M
Welcome to bidens lawless Amercia , where democrats release harden convicts for no reason and defunding the police is a priority...oh, and chicago has some of the toughest gu8n laws in America, so i guess liberals were wrong again
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DocSavage · M
Gun laws aren’t the problem ? What is then ?
The second amendment, that is no longer valid ? What is your solution?
Why not make the old flint lock guns legal to the public. So they can only kill one child at a time, instead of a dozen ?
Dacrowman · 70-79, M
@strongbow nothing to do with Biden , yes he is president now, but it's been going on for far too long. You can just walk into an armoury show Id and buy any gun crazy by rest of the worlds standards

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