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Why do they keep trying to eliminate guns when they should be banning violent video games?

Almost all these psychos play murderous games which shouldn't be being made or played by anyone. Its inappropriate
helenS · 36-40, F
The only video game I've ever played was called "Doom".
Doom was a 1993 first-person shooter game. Players assume the role of a space marine, popularly known as Doomguy, fighting their way through hordes of invading demons from hell.
So far I haven't killed 20 children as a result – I wonder why.
FurryFace · 61-69, M
@helenS there's a movie Doom too with the Rock in it
helenS · 36-40, F
@FurryFace I must see that! Can't wait! 😏
FurryFace · 61-69, M
@helenS it should be on youtube
They have violent video games in Europe too!

They have violent video games in South Korea and Japan; school shootings don't happen there!!

Canada is demographically very similar to the US, but far fewer school shootings
spjennifer · 61-69, T
Well, perhaps if these "psychos" as you call them, didn't have access to the guns, there wouldn't be mass shootings, in spite of the hundreds of millions of violent video games sold around the world, there are only a very few mass shooters so how do you explain that? What's "inappropriate" is the easy availability of guns to anyone that wants to buy them, no matter if they're a "psycho" or not...
Wrong! Just like with violent does not make a person violent....but it might make a violent person who is looking for something violent to do, a great idea. Those holes that watched Heat and then tried to emulate the movie...They were just looking for a way to rob a bank and do violence. So they copied the idea.

Do you actually feel like doing violence when you play a game or watch a movie? then go seek council
@DIABLISS Games are much better to train killers. Ask the military.
@DIABLISS Well they would rather use games than books. ;)
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@PamperedHeart Another member of the "racist right" weighs in. 🤦🏽‍♀️
helenS · 36-40, F
@bijouxbroussard Horrible 😕
Adogslife · 61-69, M
The left does not prosecute criminals if they are not white.
I think you have an extra “not” in that sentence.
Bushranger · 70-79, M
Did you fact check this before posting? The research is not clear on the relationship between violent video games and violence. One study even found a cathartic effect, but it was related to the statistical method used. As others have pointed out, other countries don't have the number of mass shootings, but have similar rates of vudeo game use.

I understand that an attempt to ban these games in one State was overturned as being against the first ammendment.

Instead of just looking for an easy fix, people should be looking at the underlying factors that lead to these events; social isolation, lack of empathy, fear of others and in some cases, racism and religious fundamentalism. Start caring for each other more as a country and there might be a reduction in these events.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I don't think this is necessarily true. I've been playing violent videogames practically my whole life

Yet if you met me, I'm not in the least bit a violent person
How about both? A violent culture generates violent forms of entertainment and high crime rates.
Not your wisest thoughts...
Kids know the difference.
Fluffybull · F
Load of b******s! 😡
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
These games are very small part of the problem even maybe bout at all. There are a lot of reasons different people shoot up people and places.
MrBrownstone · 46-50, M
Government loves unarmed citizens. Easier to control.
Jungleman · M
i loved the resident evil franchise for the gamecube, which i have.
JohnnyNoir · 56-60, M
I don’t really understand why such games exist. But there are actually countries where video games are more popular that don’t have the gun violence that we do. Not even close.
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@ElwoodBlues Violence in Mexico is indeed a problem, especially towards women.

May 2022: "The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expressed its concern over the upsurge in violence against women, girls, and adolescents in Mexico and urged the State to step up its efforts to investigate, prosecute, punish, and provide reparation for gender-based violence. It must also take effective measures to prevent and avoid the repetition of patterns of violence."
Each culture has its favourite form of violence. Americans like going on a rampage much.
@EarthlingWise You forgot to include Mexico's sky high murder rate! Meanwhile, Canada, demographically very similar to the US, has a 35% lower suicide rate and 1/3 our murder rate; despite playing the same violent video games. Sorry, your "conservation of frustration" theory doesn't really explain the violence levels we see around the world. Access to guns (Mexico is flooded with 'em) does explain the violence levels.
@ElwoodBlues A society obsessed with guns and which calls access to assault rifles a "god-given right" is a a violent society. It's not either/ or it's both.

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