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BC decriminalizes Fentanyl, Herion, Cocaine, Meth, MDMA

Starting early next year 2.5 grams of any of these drugs is legal. This is an attempt to turn the drastic number of people dying od drug overdoses in BC. 9400 in 6 years. Can you imagine a politician even suggesting a law like this in the US?
Pretzel · 61-69, M
how does decriminalizing it reduce the overdoses?

I'm not getting the connection.

But that being said, it makes more sense that Florida (where I live) making everything except less than 20 grams of pot a felony.

Drug addiction is a medical problem and getting people help to get off of it will do more good than throwing them in prison
@Pretzel How much money do you think is spent rounding them all up and throwing them in jail for a while... only to have to do it all over again a few months later???

At least they might be less inclined to take so big a hit all in one go if they feel like they won't be arrested for possession.
@Pretzel Decriminalizing won't reduce ODs. Likely just the opposite. Seattle does not prosecute IV drug users on the street and the number of ODs has skyrocketed.
@Pretzel That is exactly why they decriminalize. They can access services without fear of getting busted. They can use the street drugs they bought in a supervised setting and if they OD there will be Naloxone there. There will also be Drug Counseling, possible housing, etc.
Northwest · M
Washington State will probably be next
@Northwest Democrats? Lota drugs coming into those coastlines.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
They did that in Portland, operating under the assumption they would be sentencing more people to rehab. It didn't work.
@LordShadowfire Portland is a shithole, Vancouver isn't. BC is trying to save lives.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Pitchblue The problem is, no matter how many rehab centers Portland opens, it won't be enough, because people are flocking here from other states to take advantage.
@LordShadowfire Flocking to Portland?????
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
What's herion?
@LordShadowfire I have dyslexia and without spell check I can spell one word wrong twice in one sentence. The spelling and grammar cops on these sites really bother me.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, M
@Pitchblue I'm sorry. It's a case of one disorder meeting another, in this case.
@LordShadowfire No problem.

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