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Rick Perry says Republicans want to take Social Security and Medicare away

Apparently Moscow Mitch wasn't happy he admitted that. What will Seniors living on S S do with no Social Security and no Medicare?
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
That is ridiculous! That is just scare tactics! Can anyone even fathom the ramifications of such a move?
boudinMan · 61-69, M
@Pitchblue wtf are you even talking about... republicans want to end public education?
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@SomeMichGuy It was on totally misconstrued.
@fanuc2013 That's a claim, not a link. I'm looking around and seeing his former "States can secede from Social Security" nonsense.

whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Obviously die off quietly and not be a burden on the system, so the next generation can watch cable without being interrupted or have to pay for them to be put into a home.😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Pitchblue Yeah.. I'm afraid I am just little negative on America right now. Not that there isnt some stuff to be negative about. But the whole place seems to be geared around success at any price and what have you done for me lately..Luckily the contagion doesnt seem to have spread too far..😷
@whowasthatmaskedman I think it's spreading extremely fast. The rights they are taking away right now.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Pitchblue True.. Maybe Mexico will be willing to pay for that wall now to keep it out.. I trust Canadian niceness to stop it dead..😷
I love when Republicans accidentally tell the truth.
Oh well, at least the Libs will be owned.
@BohemianBabe The Libs? Just think of a State like Florida with all the Ol Folks retiring there. Can the Republicans tell them all to Fuck Right Off?
@Pitchblue That's the only reason most people still vote Republican. It's a death cult based on making people mad.
And Republicans will tell their voters that they're poor now because, I don't know, trans identity or because they don't pray in school anymore.
@BohemianBabe CRT. Teaching History is the problem. It's the Liberals they are the ones who want to teach history. WTF Everyone should hate Liberals. Wouldn't you rather have No Public Schools than let Liberals teach US History. And the GQP Base said Fuck Public Schools, Fuck The Liberals.
[image/video deleted]

Getting a lot of use out of this lately
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
@Stillwaiting Why? Are you serving up a great deal of it?
@Stillwaiting He said it.
@CorvusBlackthorne@Pitchblue .. Nope.. Just seeing a bunch posted by incel dickheads like you two
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Biden also made it very clear, over many years, he doesn't approve of SS and Medicare. Medicare is a joke, a very bad joke. My SS doesn't even pay my half of the rent. It went up a whopping $25 a month this year. My weekly grocery bill went up $25. Believe me, if all of us old folks end up living and dying on the street it's gonna cost you a whole lot more than that!
Biden also made it very clear, over many years, he doesn't approve of SS and Medicare.


Liberals want to raise minimum wage to $30 an hour.
@Spoiledbrat That's obvious.
It's not to me. I'm just thinking don't buy steak. @Pitchblue
@Spoiledbrat This is one person and she's not even an elected official.
Die more quickly.

Thanks funeral svcs lobbyists!
Do you have a link?
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
Republicans are evil fucks.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
If elected president, I will ensure that this does not happen.
CorvusBlackthorne · 100+, M
They are in a unique position to do it.
@CorvusBlackthorne Sure use all the judges they just installed. Use the Republican Supreme Court to take millions of peoples retirement plan away. Fuck the people who built the country. They'll die off quick with no retirement funds and no healthcare.

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