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Are the so-called right wing conservative news media outlets attempting to shield the public from widespread exposure to the movie 2000 Mules?

Dinesh D’Souza Accuses Tucker Carlson and Newsmax of Suppressing His Stolen Election Movie

News Media Reacts To Dinesh D’Souza’s Claim of ‘2000 Mules’ Being Suppressed
’Souza has a new film called “2,000 Mules,”and he’s going after Fox News host Tucker Carlson and Newsmax, accusing them of suppressing his movie.

Fox News Is Headed For Disaster
Dinesh D'Souza just exposed the treachery of the corporate media "conservatives"


Are the so-called right wing conservative news media outlets attempting to shield the public from widespread exposure to the movie 2000 Mules?

D’Souza wrote on Twitter, “I’m sorry to say Tucker Carlson and his team specifically instructed Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote NOT to mention the movie.”

Be careful who you might think is an advocate for your side in this culture war. According to recent tweets by the producer of the film 2000 Mules, Dinesh D'Souza, it appears to be that a few news outlets you might have considered to be a friend, just might not be?

Could it be far-fetched to say that some of the so-called conservative talk show hosts/networks you are currently watching just might be controlled opposition?

The Left has become so pervasive in controlling all of us within every fabric of our society, they seemed to have completely rigged the system, beyond belief. Be careful who you trust out there, it's becoming harder and harder to trust anybody.

And for all you Leftist "fact-checkers" ?

2000 Mules and True The Vote Debunk AP Hit Piece

Dinesh D'Souza on Twitter:

"Since the “fact checkers” say geotracking is imprecise and inaccurate, here’s Chief Justice Roberts in a 2018 opinion: “When the Government tracks the location of a cell phone, it achieves near perfect surveillance as if it had attached an ankle monitor to the phone’s user.
The silliness of the ‪@AP‬ and ‪@PolitiFact‬ “fact checks” becomes obvious when you see “2000 Mules.” Cabdrivers going past dropboxes, really? Election workers? These cover-up artists want you to believe their preposterous conjectures instead of your own eyes
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Carissimi · F
I think a lot of conservative news outlets ... not that there are many ... are controlled opposition. Just as many Republicans are RINOs, and Globalists. I recall when Fox News told Rudy Giuliani not to mention the name of George Soros.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
@therighttothink50 the vaccine wrecks natural immunity

This is what happens when people buy into fake media and scientists.

And don't forget that hospitals make money from federal aid for covid patients, so they falsely lable any death as covid related.

It is all a hoax
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
[image/video deleted]
We have to understand that we really don't have two political parties. The 45 goals of communism in the US as it was presented to Congress in 1963, called for the infiltration of both political parties. Guess what...they suceeded. I've seen 2000 Mules. It's a good documentary. If you already knew the 2020 election was fraudulent, this is further validation. But we should really be asking why so many republicans in Congress just rolled over. Not outrage. No calls for an investigation. Why? Because many of the republican victories are rigged too. Worse yet...no matter what path we take from here on...it won't end peacefully.
Fox news has sold out but I always thought tucker Carlson was one of the real last reporters there

Seems like he's fake too,

Don't forget that many fox news hosts took that deadly covid vaccine. On that front they sold themselves out and are no better than the ignorant left.

So much deception going around these days
Carissimi · F
@Stargazer89 I just heard Dinesh D’Souza say that the woman who investigated all this for his movie was told she couldn’t mention anything about the movie on Tucker’s show. Then Tucker’s executive producer sent Dinesh abusive messages, after Dinesh told him, you can’t show the middle clip of the movie because it will look like Tucker’s work, after they refused to credit him with making it, and they wouldn’t mention the title, or him. Fox and Newsmax are ignoring this movie.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I thought they would be pushing it .

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