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Boris Johnson off to Saudi Arabia

An excerpt from the BBC website:-

The UK has exported £11bn worth of arms in 2019 according to the Department for International Trade (DIT)'s data. The sale was made despite June 2019 UK court ruling halting arms sales to Saudi Arabia due to its use in Yemen war contributing to the ongoing humanitarian crisis.

So there you go. Talk tough to Russia, cry your crocodile tears, then "solve" the energy crisis by asking our Saudi "friends" to increase oil supplies to the UK.

And when refugees from the Yemen seek to escape the carnage and reach Calais they can be met with the same red tape the Ukrainians have met. And the cries of so many UK citizens who say that the UK is a "soft touch" and the refugees pass through many other countries simply to get on the UK "gravy train".

To be honest, sick of it. Ashamed to be British.
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It’s the same everywhere. And we’re all sick of it.

[image/video deleted]
@Forgetmeknot Are you suggesting most refugees/immigrants are dishonest? Yes? No?

Stats indicate that UK immigrants make a net contribution to the Exchequer. Possibly a more equitable distribution of what wealth the UK generates would help? Yes? No?

Maybe many of the empty flats and apartments in London owned by Russians for "investment" could be appropriated now for UK homeless?

Every little helps.
Forgetmeknot · 41-45
I was friends with an Albanian refugee. One day they decided to go to Canada. They came back. I asked why. She said "the benefit system there is rubbish" 😂 at least she was honest.

The US needed to increase its immigration by a third to keep up with employment need.

The problem with the UK is size. Housing demand is high.
Northwest · M
@Forgetmeknot Your Albanian friend, is not going to be happy with the US benefits system.

We think of Canada as Communist, when it comes to services. Think of it this way, it wasn't until Obama, that health insurance started covering "existing conditions", and the cap was removed on medical expenses, covered by insurance. And we still have to pay through the nose for insurance, because a national system would be a slippery slope to communism.
Fairydust · F
12 million children starving in Yemen and the news don’t give a monkey. It’s all about 🇺🇦 and 🇷🇺
Northwest · M
The West is hypocrite? That's a surprise.

The US is also outraged how a tyrant invaded a country, that represents no threat, is bombing the shit out of it, killing hundreds of civilians, attempting to regime change, and arresting local officials.

No, we're not outraged about how we did Iraq, we're outraged about what Putin is doing to the Ukraine, and we should. I stand with the Ukraine. But, as long as no one mentions Iraq.
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
If you don’t like it, give up on oil.

Because only murdering arseholes sell it, and you still want it bad.

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