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Where did you spend your summers?

When you were young where did you go for your summers? Mother and I used to go out on Nantucket every summer the first week after school let out and back home a week before school started. I would spend most of the summer in a swim suite riding my bike, playing with other kids in the sand dunes, and on the beach. Mom made me wear a t-shirt when I came to the table for meals and when dad was there on weekends I had to wear a shirt and pants unless we were out fishing, on the beach or on the boat. I enjoyed my summers that way always plenty to do and other people my age to be with. Yes I am an only child.
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Jenny1234 · 56-60, F Best Comment
I spent my summers in New Brunswick. We would stay at my uncle’s cottage in Cambridge Narrows for much of it and spend time visiting relatives in Saint John and other cities. I had lots of cousins to play with and friends whose cottages were at the same location. We had the best times ever I made life long friendships with those kids

cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Mostly at home but sometimes we’d drive out of state to visit relatives. Never had a real vacation till I was in my mid-20’s. I would hear the kids in junior high talking about their summer vacations driving west to the Grand Canyon, the desert, California or going camping in a forest etc and was envious.
Fluffybull · F
We lived in the country so my summers were spent playing with friends on the farm, cycling for miles to nearby towns, walking dogs, day trips to the beach, reading, listening to music, getting the train to the city and spending time in museums and galleries (free in UK).
The neighborhood streets. We didn't have the money to vacation anywhere. Sometimes we would camp
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I grew up on a farm. Much of my summer was spent driving tractor.
exexec · 70-79, C
At home, working in the family sawmill, except for the week spent with my grandparents.
Dlrannie · 31-35, F
Sometimes in Hong Kong visiting family and sometimes France 🙂
Like in RK Narayana's novels. to my village.
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The beach
Every summer as far back as I can remember we spent in New Orleans, with my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.
Between mine and my gran's house. In the local parks and playing out in the private road behind our house. At our cousin's by the coast, picking blueberries off the bushes.
Or the west coast, with clifftop views.
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Shannon27 · M
@swirlie Harvard, near Boston, MA
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Shannon27 · M
@swirlie Yes we did it was a holiday weekend and one of the guys parents had a small plane so we flew up on Friday and back to university on Sunday. Only went one night to October feast one night was enough but we enjoyed being up there.

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