sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
i know.
i also love days when there's storms all around calmly closing in just thunder and gray skies, gentle winds and a spritz here and there.
i also love days when there's storms all around calmly closing in just thunder and gray skies, gentle winds and a spritz here and there.
ExperienceDLT · M
I like listening to the rain hitting the tin roof
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ExperienceDLT · M
@jen2000 that still sounds nice and relaxing
jen2000 · 22-25, F
My favorite time when I'm home.
ExperienceDLT · M
@jen2000 it is good for a person to have things they enjoy and that can help them relax
Intissima · F
Sounds Lovely!! Love thunderstorms 🌩 💖
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
They can be cool
approachingmyexpirationdate · 61-69, M
beats the heck out of thunderstorms doesn't it?