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What is your favorite Spring flower? Favorite Spring smell? Favorite Spring memory from your younger years including childhood?

SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
The garden is full.of lilac blossom right now. When the sun comes out the scent is gorgeous and the air is humming with bees.

I normally love the smell of rain on young shoots, but we've had so much rain so far this year that it is not so special.

I was a member of the chapel choir at boarding school and we used to carry out many traditions on 1 May, including getting up before dawn to sing the new day in.
@SunshineGirl I could hardly believe that lilacs are in bloom!

That smell is the smell of dying organisms. Seriously. The fresh smell.

I do that! Wow!
fun4us2b · M
Pink Dogwoods trees to look at - so elegant

Lilacs, lily of the valley and honey suckle are all sweet

@fun4us2b Very pretty. And fragrant flowers too. Thank you.
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
Purple iris.

The scent of all the flowers and lilac bushes blooming in my dad’s garden.

Sitting up in the apple tree, on the platform my dad built for us, and reading.
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
@PoetryNEmotion The light ones. They were my mom’s favorite, they remind me of her, and are as beautiful as she was.

His garden was amazing. Like the true engineer he was, he’d planned it out so something was always blooming, and the was always a riot of colors.

Nope, not a fort. Just a platform where I could escape to read. I always had my nose in a book….still do whenever I have a chance.
@blackarcher256 I have dark ones from my mom's farm. I cherish them so much. Nothing like moms to feel love...

Nice. That is a good garden.

I read as much as I can. At work mostly. I finished one book started on Saturday and finished on Sunday. A pleasure. We are similar in our love of books!
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
@PoetryNEmotion True…even though she’s been gone a long time I still feel her love for me, and sometimes….when I need it most…I feel her presence.

Dad was amazing….he could grow anything and he had the eye for beauty.

Nice! We are similar in our love of books. Mine was inherited from my dad. He grew up in the deep south. Blacks weren’t allowed to use the library. That made him desperate to read. He read every book he could get his hands on. Every room in our house had floor to ceiling book cases filled with books on every conceivable subject….religion, music, philosophy, poetry. As kids we were only allowed an hour a day of tv. But we could read. We were poor so books took me places I couldn’t go. Like, my dad I’ve had a life long love affair with books and knowledge.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Lily of the valley
Probably mixing mud in a pit pretending that I'm cooking something
@CrazyMusicLover Do you know they now come in pink? So simple and elegant.

Nice choice.

We made mud pies as kids. Cute!
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@PoetryNEmotion No, I didn't know that. Although I noticed they aren't entirely white/cream but some flowers have pink streaks on them.
@CrazyMusicLover I just saw them this year. They are relatively new. Very cute.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Daffodils or tulips.
Just the smell of the earth and plants
Sitting in a patch of ferns and the smell of them.
@JimboSaturn No particular colour? Yes, so bright.

I like that.

Ferns. Very elegant. Prehistoric they seem. Nice choice. I have a wildflower fern bed. I like the baby ones.
Starcrossed · 41-45, F
Tulips are my favorite all year.
@Starcrossed There are so many bright ones. I like the dark purple. Also the ruffled ones in different colours.

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