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Loverofthebeautiful · 41-45, F
Think it has to be Crocuses or Daffodils, as when I see them growing I know that spring has arrived.

Lillies and Lilacs
Wow. You are killing me with this Q you know that? ...😳🤔🤭😅😂🥂

Okay, there are many oh so many varieties of daffodils,
I love lilacs, there are veeeeeeery many varieties, you can find them in Botanical Gardens.
I really love seeing Forget me Nots, just carpeting the forest floor, thousands of them, GORGEOUS...
Tiny and beautiful Scillas, AMAZING, again, they (also) proliferate in happy profusion are a gorgeous almost indigo blue, LOVE THEM!
No Spring is Spring without the diminutive Violets, they actually do come in white also but, this is pretty rare.
Then come my eternally beloved Mayflowers or as they are known in North America, and I am spacing (with regards to the actual name) rofl...I'll get back to you.
I am back: Lily of the Valley <3
And @V00doo reminded me that Peony is my Heart flower, again from our cottage in Latvia. We had many plants and grew many edible things. Foraged the forest for mushrooms, blueberries, cranberries and loganberries.

Ummm. yeah, that's what I can think of for NOW.

Awesome post! Thanks :D
nothing better than smelling lilacs when you walk out on the deck in the morning to have coffee
@saragoodtimes I agree, nothing beats this for scent.

Anther not well known scented flower that bears mentioning, is the nighttime scented stocks, they are tiny but the scent is sweet and a bit tangy, an excellent addition to a scented garden. They are annuals where we live.
Mindful · 56-60, F
My Iris, because it’s the first to bloom in my yar.
Lilymoon · F
Love to see the first crocus...

SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
They're gorgeous, all of them, such delightful colours and signs of nature. In the UK snow-drops are the first we tend to see. Utterly beautiful. I think daffodils start quite early too :)
@serendipitydoodah This is a gorgeous photo. People need to leave this as it is the first food for the Bees, so they should not mow the lawn immediately. Yes, this is a scientific fact :)
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Probably purple and white crocuses since they're the first to arrive each year.
cuddles1266 · 70-79, M
I do really like tulips but I favor blooming trees such as Dogwood or Cherry
originnone · 61-69, M
My wife likes azaleas. I'm going to take her to buy one in a few minutes.
Barny52 · 56-60, M
Tulips but bluebells are looking good in the woods right now
HannahSky · F
🌷and 🌹, but not classic red
Sunstone · 41-45, F
@samueltyler2 I love those too.
samueltyler2 · 80-89, M
@Sunstone the shame is they get infested by ants, and their blooming period is relatively short.
Irises for me...
Daisies 🌼🍃
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
@V00doo You literally broke my heart wide open!!! You know, how can I forget this plant, the Stunning and too short blooming Peony.
We had them in our garden in Latvia, they are emblazoned upon my heart in my soul.
I did not forget it, but probably just this is serendipity. So, thanks for the memories!

Thank you for this photo. Wow.
NinaTina · 26-30, F
[image deleted]
@NinaTina And these grew in the tiny brook in Latvia, where we had our cottage.

Thank you for the memories :)
Can't really pick just one or even a few, but among others poppies, irises, lilies, star jasmine ...

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