Okay, I am gonna do it. Want carnivorous plant seeds?
@Bexsy gets the first one, but I am going to offer seeds for this plant, drosera capensis:
For the first TEN people that reply to this post.
I will ship at my own cost and to anywhere in the world. I will give you all of the grow instructions.
They need 1:1 peat moss to perlite, and distilled or rainwater, and a bright windowsill. They're a subtropical houseplant.
I understand it's a huge breach of trust to give up your address. But I promise I won't stalk you or try to track you down. 💙
It's my mission to spread knowledge of these beautiful plants that have a reputation for being hard to care for. They are not, they're just different! 🥰💙
For the first TEN people that reply to this post.
I will ship at my own cost and to anywhere in the world. I will give you all of the grow instructions.
They need 1:1 peat moss to perlite, and distilled or rainwater, and a bright windowsill. They're a subtropical houseplant.
I understand it's a huge breach of trust to give up your address. But I promise I won't stalk you or try to track you down. 💙
It's my mission to spread knowledge of these beautiful plants that have a reputation for being hard to care for. They are not, they're just different! 🥰💙