Holding your peace
When all around you is chaos and the your ship seems to be sinking how to we hold our inner peace.. Do we give up on life or do we give in to frustration. Adversity in my life is something beyond the scale of my imagination ever since the day my peace was broken and the war broke loose. Humans are not the same anymore and the society seems to show its true colour, I have gone beyond anger to be so simply find it satirical . A poet once said if you can keep your head when all around you is loosing theirs . As for me I hold my peace in the fact that my God sees everything and I leave human and their observation to their. No matter how small or weak a person is, how rich or poor he may be I believe he is formed in the image and breath of God and we all deserve equal respect, if you can't see that you miss life the outcast sees better than you do.