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Herb seeds came in the mail, already preparing for spring

A few of these need stratification for months before planting.
Some I've grown before, some are new to me.
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
How do you use these herbs? Apart from marjoram.
@Flenflyys this is zone 7
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
@robingoodfellow oh shit I don’t think that will work in my zone 2
@Flenflyys i think you can probably still grow these.
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Do they still sell the magic mushroom kits? 🍄
@FloorGenAdm i didn't know they ever did
meggie · F
I grew parsley by seeds last summer and despite the very cold weather it's still plentiful in the garden. I have also over-wintered broad beans I grew from seed as they were a huge success last year. This year I'm going to try lavender from seeds. Look forward to your photos.
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
The National Arboretum in Washington DC has an herb garden. I like to there in summer and pet the plants and then smell my fingers.
I can't wait to see your harvest. To me, even herbs can be as beautiful as flowers!
@MoonlightLullaby these will all flower. Most of them make small flowers and attract pollinators.
I'll make sure to take some pictures, Moonlight 🌞
@robingoodfellow Ah, lovely!
I forgot to say good luck 🤞
ooo... i just adore skullcap
Heres hoping they dont sprout those suspicious looking plants my neighbor ws always growing.

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