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Starting the garden over

“Did you see the watermelon I grew?” my mom asked me. And, “I got so many bell peppers from this plant.”

Those were my watermelon and bell peppers. I planted them last year. 😯

She saw a hornworm on a leaf, tore the leaf off, and threw it on the ground.

“It’s just gonna crawl back onto the plant. You have to give it to the birds. 😱”

“Oh damn well…” Her catch phrase.

She’s better at gardening than I am. She grew up on a farm in the Philippines; and since we’ve had a house, she’s always grown a bunch of vegetables in the yard. Crazy that she can afford to let those things run rampant and still being able to harvest so much. Meanwhile, I fought all those critters, because they were destroying all my garden’s progress. Honestly, that watermelon I planted wouldn’t have grown if she hadn’t taken over.

But I want to garden. My most successful plants were potatoes and peppers, so I’ll start again with them. I’m really happy to try this out once more. It does better each year as I learn what to do and not do.
Kstrong · 56-60, F
Check your soil, location, the trees in the area can affect your gardening
Kstrong · 56-60, F
@Colonelmustardseed but we learn..... continue on the best we can
@Kstrong Yes. I never knew gardening could be so satisfying, even when it fails because that just makes the successes so exciting.
Kstrong · 56-60, F
@Colonelmustardseed reaping the benefits long after harvest, after putting up the veggies .. job well done
That is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read. Why did you even post it?
@SW-User No, it isn’t. 😊 You just want to be mean and angry for whatever reason.
But I pray God blesses you so much that whatever burr you’ve got in your heart dissipates, and that you’ll be happier than you could even imagine. I pray for His peace and love to ease your pains, and that you’ll know He’s with you and has always loved you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Take care. 👋

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