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Do you have a green thumb or hands of death when it comes to plants?

The garden is looking very lush with a lot of greenery, some flowers and it must be said, a lot of weeds. I took this photo two days ago and this morning I got around to clearing the bottom of the garden of assorted weeds. The wild flowers are still to make an appearance but hopefully they won't remain green for too long and burst into colour. Plenty of bees but despite the plethora of butterflies last month I have only seen an occasional solitary Tortoiseshell or White fluttering around. The tomato plant is thriving and I have radishes. I gave some to the neighbours and I have eaten some and very delicious they were too. The Borage is huge and finally some small blue flowers have emerged. The Willow I cut back to the ground is growing despite my efforts to remove it. I'll try again in the autumn.
Used to have a green thumb, but not anymore.
meggie · F
I'm not bad and patient and gentle with the plants. My boyfriend has huge hands and doesn't mean to, but tries to help and snaps branches and pulls up plants by mistake and then replants them and often they die.

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