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Whales tales

When sperm whales need a nap, they take a deep breath, dive down about 45 feet and arrange themselves into perfectly-level, vertical patterns. They sleep sound and still for up to two hours at a time between breaths, in pods of 5 or 6 whales, presumably for protection. No one knew whales slept vertically until a 2008 study documented the behavior. And no one captured really good photography of it in the wild until 2017. French photographer Stephane Granzotto was documenting sperm whales in the Mediterranean for his book on the creatures when he came across these sleeping whales.

National Geographic Nature
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I did not know this. Thank you.
Jarffff · 46-50
That is incredibly trippy to me now.

I might be looking at a whole new category of books i need, The Wonders of Nature, how animals are, their quirky qualities, Thanks Nina for being the bearer of many thousands of hours of learning joy. ☺️
Glad we dont have to sleep that way. Very cool fact.
WillaKissing · 56-60
Wow, another thing learned, thanks.

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